Cooke & Lewis Mitigeur de cuisine nickel brossé Raneh Mode d'emploi
Warning from your Water Supplier It could be a criminal offence to use this tap 5 Before you start Make sure you have all of the parts listed. 5 5 Make sure you have all of the tools required. Retain these instructions for future reference. 5 5 Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury, damage to the product and property damage. This tap must be installed by a suitably 5 competent person. 5 For domestic use only. 5 Check that the tap is suitable for your water system. 5 The minimum supply pressure for this tap is shown on the packaging. 5 Maximum operating pressure 5 bar. 5 This product has been tested to and meets the requirements of The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations. (UK only). 5 This product must be connected to a water supply in accordance with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations and UK Building Regulations. If you are in any doubt about WKHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVFRQWDFWDTXDOL¿HG plumber, your local Water Company or the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS). (UK only). 5$GHTXDWHEDFNÀRZSUHYHQWLRQPXVWEH included as part of the installation of this tap. )RUH[DPSOHE\¿WWLQJQRQUHWXUQYDOYHVRQ the water supply pipes. 5,WLVLPSRUWDQWWKDWVXSSO\SLSHVDUHÀXVKHG before connecting the tap to ensure no pipe or plumbing debris enters the tap. 5 If a combination boiler is installed turn off the boiler before starting work. with water supplied by a Water Company. (The supply pipe is the one which brings the water supply into your home and is directly connected to the public water main). may damage the product. 57DNHVSHFLDOFDUHZKHQLQVWDOOLQJÀH[LEOH supply hoses. Tighten by hand only and do QRWRYHUWLJKWHQ1HYHUWZLVWRUIROGWKHÀH[LEOH SLSHGXULQJ¿WWLQJDVWKLVPD\GDPDJHRU weaken the pipe causing leaks. 3Nm <80mm <15mm which, if left immersed in water, could result in contaminated water being drawn back into the pipework if the supply pressure dropped. To prevent contamination of drinking water in the premises and in the water main, and to comply with the legal requirements of the UK plumbing regulations and byelaws*, both hot and cold water supplied to this tap must come from a storage cistern. If the distributing pipes feeding this tap 5 from the storage cistern have other outlets connected to them, the outlet of this tap must be lower than any of those other outlets. If installed as a tap which is used for drawing 5 water for drinking, and the quality of water from the storage cistern does not meet the standards for drinking water, a separate tap supplied with wholesome water must be provided for drinking purposes. For further information, contact the Water 5 Regulations department of your local Water Supplier (see the WRAS website www. or Yellow Pages for details) or the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme E\HPDLO LQIR#ZUDVFRXN RUWHOHSKRQH 01495 248454. * The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 in England and Wales; The Scottish Water Byelaws 2004 and Northern Ireland Regulations. Care & Maintenance Use warm soapy water and a soft damp cloth 5 to clean the surface of the product. Wipe dry with a clean cloth. bleach, acids, strong detergents, aggressive FKHPLFDOFOHDQHUVRUVROYHQWW\SHFOHDQLQJ solutions on the product. 3HULRGLFDOO\FKHFN¿[LQJVDQGFRQQHFWLRQVWR 5 ensure there are no leaks. )OH[LEOHVXSSO\KRVHVDUH¿WWHGZLWKPHVK 5 ¿OWHUVWRSUHYHQWGHEULVIURP\RXUZDWHU supply damaging the tap. Over time these PD\EHFRPHEORFNHGUHGXFLQJWKHÀRZ from the tap. If this occurs, turn off the water VXSSO\WRWKHWDSGLVFRQQHFWWKHÀH[LEOH KRVHVDQGFOHDQWKH¿OWHUV 0RVW&RRNH 5 /HZLVWDSVDUH¿WWHGZLWKD rubberised limescale resistant aerator in the end of the spout. If limescale begins to form this can be removed easily by gently rubbing WKHDHUDWRUZLWK\RXU¿QJHU 5 Ensure that the product is properly installed before using. 5 When the installation is complete, turn the water supply on and check for leaks at all connection points. Pull out and spring neck taps (UK ONLY) Never leave pull out tap heads submerged 5 in your sink 7KHWDSERG\DQG¿QLVKRIWKLVNLWFKHQWDSDUH guaranteed for 10 years, subject to installation and use in compliance with the recommendations set out in the instructions. 7KLVWDSKDVDQRXWOHWRQDÀH[LEOHKRVH 5 5 Isolate the hot and cold water supply as close 5 Never use any solvents, scourers, abrasives, to the tap connections as possible. 5CAUTION:'RQRWRYHUWLJKWHQ¿[LQJVDVWKLV Duration and conditions of guarantee IMPORTANT RETAIN THIS INFORMATION FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: READ CAREFULLY Avant de commencer $VVXUH]YRXVG¶DYRLUWRXWHVOHV 5 pièces énumérées. $VVXUH]YRXVG¶DYRLUWRXVOHVRXWLOVQpFHVVDLUHV 5 Conservez ces instructions pour 5 référence ultérieure. /HQRQUHVSHFWGHFHVLQVWUXFWLRQVSHXW 5 entraîner des blessures, des dommages au produit et la détérioration de la propriété. Ce robinet doit être installé par une personne 5 disposant des compétences nécessaires 5 Pour un usage domestique uniquement 59pUL¿H]TXHOHURELQHWVRLWDSSURSULpSRXUYRWUH V\VWqPHGHGLVWULEXWLRQG¶HDX 5/DSUHVVLRQG¶DOLPHQWDWLRQPLQLPDOHUHTXLVH SRXUFHURELQHWHVWLQGLTXpHVXUO¶HPEDOODJH 5 Pression de service maximale 5 Bar. 5 Ce produit doit être connecté à une alimentation en eau qui soit en conformité avec les règlements locaux en matière G¶DSSURYLVLRQQHPHQWHQHDXHWGHFRQVWUXFWLRQ en vigueurs. Si vous avez le moindre doute au sujet de ces exigences, veuillez contacter XQSORPELHUTXDOL¿pRXYRWUHFRPSDJQLHGH GLVWULEXWLRQG¶HDXORFDOH 58QV\VWqPHDQWLUHWRXUDGpTXDWGRLWrWUHLQFOXV ORUVGHO¶LQVWDOODWLRQGHFHURELQHW3DUH[HPSOH HQLQVWDOODQWGHVFODSHWVDQWLUHWRXUVXUOHV WX\DX[G¶DOLPHQWDWLRQHQHDX 5,OHVWLPSRUWDQWTXHOHVWX\DX[G¶DOLPHQWDWLRQ soient purgés avant de connecter le robinet D¿QG¶DVVXUHUTX¶DXFXQGpEULVGHWX\DXRXGH plomberie ne pénètre dans le robinet. 5 Si une chaudière mixte est installée, veuillez O¶pWHLQGUHDYDQWGHFRPPHQFHUOHWUDYDLO 5,VROH]O¶DOLPHQWDWLRQHDXFKDXGHHWHQHDXIURLGH le plus près possible des raccords au robinet. 5 ATTENTION:$VVXUH]YRXVGHQHSDV trop serrer les raccords car cela pourrait endommager le produit. 5 Faites particulièrement attention lors de O¶LQVWDOODWLRQGHWX\DX[G¶DOLPHQWDWLRQÀH[LEOHV Serrez à la main uniquement et ne serrez as WURS$VVXUH]YRXVGHQHMDPDLVWRUGUHRX SOLHUOHWX\DXÀH[LEOHORUVGXPRQWDJHFDUFHOD pourrait endommager ou affaiblir le tuyau et causer des fuites. 3Nm <80mm <15mm 5$VVXUH]YRXVTXHOHSURGXLWHVWFRUUHFWHPHQW LQVWDOOpDYDQWGHO¶XWLOLVHU 5/RUVTXHO¶LQVWDOODWLRQHVWWHUPLQpHRXYUH] O¶DOLPHQWDWLRQHQHDXHWYpUL¿H]O¶pWDQFKpLWpj tous les points de connexion. Entretien et Maintenance 8WLOLVHUGHO¶HDXFKDXGHVDYRQQHXVHHWXQ 5 Sont également exclues de la garantie les FRQVpTXHQFHVQpIDVWHVGXHVjO¶HPSORL G¶DFFHVVRLUHVRXGHSLqFHVGHUHFKDQJHQRQ G¶RULJLQHRXQRQDGDSWpHVDXGpPRQWDJHRXjOD PRGL¿FDWLRQGHO¶DSSDUHLO %ULFR'pS{WUHVWHWHQXHGHVGpIDXWVGH conformité du bien au contrat et des vices rédhibitoires dans les conditions prévues aux articles 1641 à 1649 du Code civil. Ne jamais utiliser des solvants, des produits à 5 9pUL¿H]SpULRGLTXHPHQWOHVUDFFRUGVHWOHV 5 FRQQH[LRQVD¿QGHYRXVDVVXUH]TX¶LOQ¶\DLW pas de fuites. /HVWX\DX[G¶DOLPHQWDWLRQÀH[LEOHVVRQW 5 pTXLSpVGH¿OWUHVjPDLOOHVSRXUSUpYHQLUTXH des débris provenant de votre alimentation en eau ne puissent endommager le robinet. Au ¿OGXWHPSVFHX[FLULVTXHQWGHVHERXFKHU réduisant de ce fait le débit du robinet. Si cela VHSURGXLWFRXSH]O¶DUULYpHG¶HDXDXURELQHW GpEUDQFKH]OHVWX\DX[ÀH[LEOHVHWSURFpGH]DX QHWWR\DJHGHV¿OWUHV La plupart des robinets Cooke & Lewis 5 VRQWpTXLSpVG¶XQDpUDWHXUDQWLFDOFDLUHHQ FDRXWFKRFjO¶H[WUpPLWpGXEHF6LXQGpS{WGH FDOFDLUHFRPPHQFHjVHIRUPHUFHOXLFLSHXW rWUHIDFLOHPHQWHQOHYpHQIURWWDQWO¶DpUDWHXU doucement avec votre doigt. IMPORTANT A CONSERVER POUR CONSULTATION ULTERIEURE: A LIRE SOIGNEUSEMENT Durée et conditions de garantie &HSURGXLWEpQp¿FLHG¶XQHJDUDQWLHGHDQVj SDUWLUGHODGDWHG¶DFKDW La garantie couvre les pannes et G\VIRQFWLRQQHPHQWVGHO¶DSSDUHLOGDQVOHFDGUH G¶XQHXWLOLVDWLRQFRQIRUPHjODGHVWLQDWLRQGX SURGXLWHWDX[LQIRUPDWLRQVGXPDQXHOG¶XWLOLVDWLRQ Pour être pris en charge au titre de la garantie, la SUHXYHG¶DFKDWHVWREOLJDWRLUH WLFNHWGHFDLVVH ou facture) et le produit doit être complet avec O¶HQVHPEOHGHVHVDFFHVVRLUHV La clause de garantie ne couvre pas des GpWpULRUDWLRQVSURYHQDQWG¶XQHXVXUHQRUPDOH G¶XQPDQTXHG¶HQWUHWLHQG¶XQHQpJOLJHQFH G¶XQPRQWDJHGpIHFWXHX[RXG¶XQHXWLOLVDWLRQ inappropriée (chocs, non respect des SUpFRQLVDWLRQVG¶DOLPHQWDWLRQpOHFWULTXHVWRFNDJH FRQGLWLRQVG¶XWLOLVDWLRQ« /DJDUDQWLHQH V¶DSSOLTXHSDVDX[GpS{WVGHFDOFDLUHHWGpFKHWV RUJDQLTXHVTXLSRXUUDLHQWV¶DFFXPXOHUVXUOHV surfaces internes ou externes du produit et V\VWqPHVG¶pYDFXDWLRQ WX\DX[VLSKRQV TXL\ VRQWUDFFRUGpVGXIDLWG¶XQPDXYDLVHQWUHWLHQ ]DLQVWDORZDQ\SU]HGMHJRXĪ\FLHP 53R]DNRĔF]HQLXLQVWDODFMLZáąF]\üGRSá\Z ZRG\LVSUDZG]LüZV]\VWNLHSXQNW\ áąF]HQLRZHRUD]F]\QLHPDZ\FLHNyZ CZYSZCZENIE I KONSERWACJA 'RF]\V]F]HQLDSRZLHU]FKQLXU]ąG]HQLD 5 QDOHĪ\XĪ\ZDüZRG\]Sá\QHPGRP\FLD QDF]\ĔLPLĊNNLHMZLOJRWQHMV]PDWNL:\FLHUDü GRVXFKDF]\VWąV]PDWNą chiffon humide doux pour nettoyer la surface du produit. Sécher avec un chiffon propre. UpFXUHUGHVSURGXLWVDEUDVLIVGHO¶HDXGH-DYHO des acides, des détergents puissants, des nettoyants chimiques agressifs ou des solutions de nettoyage à base de solvants sur le produit. 58SHZQLüVLĊĪHSURGXNWMHVWZáDĞFLZLH 3U]HGUR]SRF]ĊFLHP 8SHZQLüVLĊĪHZRSDNRZDQLX]QDMGXMąVLĊ 5 ZV]\VWNLHZ\V]F]HJyOQLRQHF]ĊĞFL 8SHZQLüVLĊĪHSRVLDGDV]ZV]\VWNLH 5 Z\PDJDQHQDU]ĊG]LD 3URVLP\]DFKRZDüLQVWUXNFMHQDSU]\V]áRĞü 5 5 1LHSU]HVWU]HJDQLHW\FK]DOHFHĔPRĪH VSRZRGRZDüXUD]\XV]NRG]HQLHSURGXNWXL straty materialne. %DWHULDSRZLQQDE\ü]DLQVWDORZDQDSU]H] 5 RVREĊNRPSHWHQWQą 57\ONRGRXĪ\WNXGRPRZHJR 56SUDZG]LüF]\EDWHULDMHVWRGSRZLHGQLDGOD systemu kanalizacyjnego w Twoim domu. 50LQLPDOQHFLĞQLHQLHGODEDWHULL]QDMGXMHVLĊ na opakowaniu. 50DNV\PDOQHFLĞQLHQLHURERF]HZ\QRVLEDU 53URGXNWWHQQDOHĪ\SRGáąF]\üGRGRMĞFLDZRG\ ]JRGQLH]ORNDOQ\PL3U]HSLVDQLRGQRĞQLH SRGáąF]DQLDZRG\ DUPDWXUZRGQ\FK L 3U]HSLVDPLEXGRZQLF]\PL:UD]LHZąWSOLZRĞFL GRW\F]ąF\FKW\FKSU]HSLVyZQDOHĪ\VLĊ VNRQWDNWRZDü]K\GUDXOLNLHP]RGSRZLHGQLPL NZDOL¿NDFMDPLORNDOQąVSyáNąZRGQą 5'RLQVWDODFMLWHJRNUDQXQDOHĪ\GRáąF]\ü odpowiednie zawory zwrotne. 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[02] x1 <35mm >35mm [03] x1 [02] [03] [04] [04] x1 [05] [05] x1 04 XLI9938 - 27A .indd 4-5 15/11/2016 12:36 Kingfisher International Products Limited, 3 Sheldon Square, London, W2 6PX, United Kingdom Distributor: B&Q plc, Chandlers Ford, Hants, SO53 3LE United Kingdom SFD Limited, Trade House, Mead Avenue, Yeovil, BA22 8RT, United Kingdom Manufacturer, Fabricant, Hersteller, Producator, Fabricante: Kingfisher International Products Limited, 3 Sheldon Square, London, W2 6PX, United Kingdom Distributeur: Castorama France C.S. 50101 Templemars 59637 Wattignies CEDEX BRICO DÉPÔT 30-32 rue de la Tourelle 91310 Longpont-sur-Orge France Dystrybutor: Castorama Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Krakowiaków 78, 02-255 Warszawa Distribuidor: Euro Depot España, S.A.U. c/ La Selva, 10 - Edificio Inblau A 1a Planta 08820-El Prat de Llobregat Distribuidor: Brico Depot Portugal SA Rua Castilho, 5 - 1 esquerdo, sala 13 1250-066 Lisboa Ithalatçı Firma: KOÇTAȘ YAPI MARKETLERİ TİC. A.Ș.Taşdelen Mah. Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No:5 34788 Taşdelen/Çekmeköy/İSTANBUL Tel: +90 216 4300300 Faks: +90 216 4844313 Yetkili servis istasyonları ve yedek parça temini için aşağıda yer alan Koçtaş Müşteri Hattı ve Koçtaş Genel Müdürlük irtibat bilgilerinden faydalanınız. KOÇTAŞ MÜŞTERİ HİZMETLERİ 0850 209 50 50 Producent Xiamen Lota International Co.,Ltd. No.61 Xingnan Rd, Jimei district, 61022 Xiamen, China. Screwfix Direct Limited Mühlheimer Straße 15363075 Offenbach/Main Импортер: ООО “Касторама РУС” Дербеневская наб., дом 7, стр 8 Россия, Москва, 115114 Изготовитель для России: Ксиамен Лота Интернешнл Ко., Лтд. 61 Синнань роуд, округ Цзимэй, 361022 Сямэнь, Китай. Distribuitor: SC Bricostore România SA Calea Giulești 1-3, Sector 6, București România XLI9938 - 27A .indd 6-7 15/11/2016 12:36 ">

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