Sea Ray 1991 260 OVERNIGHTER Manuel utilisateur
$ 1991 — 260 — OVERNIGHTER - | 1 \ A BRUNSWICKMARINE Compan an / A-42C A-48 10/30/90 260 OVERNIGHTER - 1991 A-01 А-03 A-03 A-03 A-08 A-08 À 14 À 14 А 16 А 16 Aló Aló Aló Aló Aló Alé À 16 Ald Ald Ald А 16 Ald Alb Ald À 16 A 16 À 17 À 17 À 17 A 17 À 20 À 20 À 20 À 23 À 30 vA 30 A 30 À 32 À 32 À 32 A-32 A 32 A 33 А 33 А-35 À 35 À 35 À 37 A 37 À 37 À 37 A 37 A 37 À 37 À 37 A-37 A-42 А-42 А-42А A-428 A-42C A-42E A 42F À 42F A-43 А-43 А-43 А-43 А-46 А-48 А-49 А-49 PAGE | 198150 356329 150300 120238, 185264 17104] 126599 150219 327239 503367 326710 408120 523837 326819 348219 455048 346916 471250 503466 426809 348326 454926 354480 332353 503441 332437 303263 308809 496422 446971 159426 130260 129437 137380 225466 171587 516039 518415 518423 499780 499798 147678 126623 126631 221150 221648 159608 133876 133850 274896 286104 271452 214460 271445 102640 157487 215756 501304 266320 266353 266361 266338 266379 501494 225524 543484 563692 198267 134882 205575 291682 522557 — SiTow Yax 3% A-49 Teak Step Pads —: A-A9 Step Pad Tim Channel Alum U A 53 Teak Plu A-63 Rall Grab 12°W/% Stud A 54 Rail Grab (Top of Transom) A-54 Stem Eve % x37/16 A-54 Bow/Stern Eye Backing Plate À 54 M/S 1 1/8 w/3/8 Void Int Blue A-54 M/S 11/8 w/3/8 Vold Lt Burg A-54 M/S 11/8,w/3/8 Vold RTS Grn A-54 M/S 3 w/% Void Interstate Blue A-54 M/S 3. w/% Void Light Burgandy A:54 MIS 3 w/% Void Green/Green A 54 Sold Tope a Int.Blue CPM А-54 Solid Tone Yı Lt Burg CPM A-54 Solid Tope a RTS Green CPM A-60 Solid Tope Interstale Blue A-60 Solid Tape 'h Lt Burgandy А-60 Sold Tapa 2 RTS Green A-67 sold Tape | Interstate Blue ! Solid Tape 1 Lt Burgandy at solid Tape | Green Solid Tape 2 Interstate Blue Solid Tape 2 Lt Burgandy Solid Toph 2 Green Gel Coat Blue e, Gel Coat Burgandy Gel Coat Green Gel Coat Wht Artic | Rubral 20 Aluminum Black Vinyl Insert Rubrall Clip Alum Nav light Stern Flush Mit Hand Held Shower w/2 Meter Hose Clip Tubing Retainer Washdown Grommet Prop 13% x23 QSS LH Prop 13% x23 QSSIRH . Prop 13 3/4x21 @SSLH Prop 13 3/4 x21 ESSRH Prop 15% x 19 SSIMIrage RH Brass Drain Plug Brass Drain Plug Flange Swim Ladder > Plate Danger Swim Ladder Swim Ladder Strop 16 Trim Tab Hyd Kit Tam Tab Kit 12 x 12 Port Trim Tab Plate 12 x 12 Stbd Tnm Tab Plate 12 x 12 Tnm Tap Ram only Trim Tab Zinc (Per Plate) — Tnm Tab Hydraulic Pump 12V Trim Tab Fluid (Gal Only) Rocker Control Switch Assy Windshield Comp #703 897776 Front Wing Screw Cover Port Wing 4703 977406 Port Front #703 977403 Stbd Front #703-977404 Stbd Wing #703-977409 Support W/Feet #703 977498 Support Foot W/Hdwr #116255 Bow Rail Bow Rail Port Bow Rail Stbd Bow Rall Gasket Foam Rod Holder 5/8 Flush Mt Chrome Sea Ray Wave Chrome Deck Fill Plata SS Gas #66123 1 Replacement Cap & Chain Fuel/wt 522599 481069 126672 150201 275735 476333 277103 150003 270637 144972 504415 15020] 467073 464115 144998 144980 225300 503391 322032 211607 Replacememt Key Label Gas Recommenda Cleat 8 SS Cleat Backing Plate Lofrans Scorpion 100 3/ a h Chain 8BB Galvanized 3A1é Anchor Davit w/Roller ! Anchor Dawt Bocking PI 12LB Anchor w/920 Ib Hol 3/8 Anchor Shackle w/Pi 1/16 Anchat Shackle Pin Cleat Backing Plate 6“ Access Plate Plastic 6 Lanyard (Aerofast) é Lanyard Fast Shop Hook 3 Model Desg Int Blue Model Desg Lt Burgandy Model Desg Green Seg Ray Chrome Scnpt + / \ \ ith MRP# | “ло \ à 1 \ a | \ 19911260 ov fare Pd SITION GUIDE \ > | Truck rang \ ъ \ ' 2600V |‘ Deck ope 1991 y Multi-Siripe, 1 1/8 1/4" SOLID TAPE with 3/8 Void | 348219 Infersiate Blug-CPM 327329 | Interstate Bue-CPM 255048 Light Burgundy CPM 346916 Gréen RIS-CPM 503367 i Light Burgundy CPM \ 326710 Green RIS-CPM y i ! wr \ ye HE АООи = rar Notes Stripes decal emblems] and logos | are tocafed per 1989 modéls ; 4 - Cr Tapes 1) Color opilons a) Interstate Blue V 1530 | - b) Light Burgundy V 1574 c) Green RTS89-88 LA Ne | | —%h color option opa | ' 7 \ Character Line {1/4 color option tape TS "N° located 1/4 above | Ce ! + charoctor ine) ___ Hull Tape, 1 SOLID TAPE 3M H-Siripe, / QV ModelsiOnly have 1 1/4. Solid Tape | with V2" Vad Color Option Tape Installed Eye Line Hull Tape | 1 408120 Interstate Blue mn indenhons) eo interstate Bue-CPM 523837 Light Burgundy 4 8 L} Burgundy CPM 326819 | Gm/Ern RIS 408484 -Intersiate Blue PPM 346916 Green RIS CPM 454926 Light Burgundy PPM 354480 Green RTS PPM 1/2 Solid Tape 260 OV ` 471250 inferstate Blue PPM 348276, | IMerstate Bue-CPM , 225300 * Interstate Blue _ 503466 Light Burgundy PPM ' 503391 Libht Burgundy — 503380 Light Burgunty CPM } 322032 Gleen RIS - 426809 | Green RTS PPM - ” 481465 Green №15-СРМ | ! 2 Solid Tape . = Ey 332353 Thterstate Blue PPM 503441 ght Burgundy PPM 332437 reen RTS PAGE 1A 10/30/90 Fa EXTERIOR SY a > + I « | Far | N 260 OV | — > | 1991 al | N f A-39 À 57 | / | A 10 | DA y | Ir р N san ___ ———— A < —— — € Ena Ary = = * ; 2 | т 1 J + - р | y | , „= Le — Г oa A5 A6 A4 A50 A5 ASI A7 A 52 A 55 Ala AIR * l bh A ! + À , \ ; a % . . 260 OVERNIGHTER = = ert aA ES PA ' 10/39/90 ‘ 260 OVERNIGHTER - 1991 А-04 “26888 Vent Fuel/Water Tank A-05 356410 Port Fiberglass Vent Wing A-05 28 Sibd Elberglass Veni Wing A-05 124537. Jhn+Hull 1% Plastic Wht A-06 124578 hu 1 1/8 Plastic Wht A0 182964 u Hull 3/4 Plastic Wht A-07 “222067 Hu Window Trim (Outer) A-07 115253 Hull Window Lens only A-07 115220 Hull Window Trim (Inner) А 10 228395 Spotilght А10 129932 Spotlight Control Cable A110 224444 Bulb 5 Spotlight Al4 126573 BowEye% x37/16 Ala 150219 Bow;/Stern Eye Backng Plate A18 1260870 Clamshell Dran/Vent— | A39 150459 Masthead fold Down Navlignt A39 168823 Grommet Mast Light A41 212522 Engle Trumpet Horn A4l 212746 Dual Trumpet Horn А 50 291732 Deck Fill Pate SS Water 166125 | А50 5722557 Replocement Cop & Chain Fuel/Witr ASO 522599 Replacememt Key А 51 291757 Deck Fl Plate SS Waste #66126 | AS] 522581 Replacement Cap & Chain Waste AS! 2259 Replacememt Key AS? 137372 Nav Ught Hon Sige Mt А 55 226837 20 x 20 Deck Hatch low/Pp ' a 55 11666 £0 x 20° Deck Harch Screen À 55 11708 20 x20' Deck Hatch Tnm Rng „55 460337 match Adusting Am 20 x °C 455 4679 Adiusting Arm Knob ! n 55 50657 Back Postic Caten n 55 460583 ox ricnoie Od Stye + A355 26058 ¡LOC »ENCe Ca S ye ?- mn 55 SE oca nenGe New SYe 5 9783 Der Arm 5 9 Soc 5 2068. De Joo 85 = 57 759 fe Sade 6 ‘ex Асс " EX /per Wo or Cover Uys А 58 114244 8 Shakespeare VHF Ant w/SS Mts a 97 3365 ore Cora 20v/30A 57 33652 yore Core Agcp of 59 5678 word Power ne IAkA © As 206768 Sno ev Cog 220150 сло 59 6776 Se Power ne ?X/% Lo m 637 Goverc3doacuer DO Curer A-56 324954 Fiberglass Rope Lock Hatch W/Hawt nO 56765 sr Dingiotcrhw/oloc Bec "Ob S835. inge 7x 6 5 $5 (сп + PAGE 2 10/30/90 | \ “ . CANVAS В _ ‚ SRRY a o оч \ \ 260 OV | 1991 | Na ‘ ; \ | } # , , , | A462 7 | | ) \ Cr ‚' re _ | | \ | — _ < 7 ! > NE LE Y , Ey N Saga CI LE ев И —UB —— CRIE Sn Fay < w _ * - о / à | _ ) / 7 a — fi | / \ ; “4 \ + \ L * | ' | - - py A 4 > 260 OVERNIGHTER , - Y 4 Cd as ) | J PAGE J \ | у / 1 , 10/30/90 \ \ $ . ° $ o , 260 OVERNIGHTER - 1991_ А-62 | А62 A-62 | A-62 А-62 ‚А-62 \A-62 B62 А-62 А-62 А-62 А-62 А-62 А-62 A-62 А-62 A-62 AÑ? А-62 A-62 A-62 А-62 А-62 А-62, \ \ A-62 A-62 A-62 А-62 А-62\ A-62 | А-62 \ A-62 313619 313627 262782 427484 427526 303495 263558 540625 540417 313833 313841 262915 313890 313924 313908 313932 227504 227496 313668 313874 262873 304030 805417 263046 2600V 427765 427807 303529 540286 540294 540260 540299 540237 A-62 1540203 A-62 А-62 А-62 4-62 A-62 A-62 A-62 A62. А-62 A-62 A-62 A:62 A-62 А-62 А-62 А-62 А-62 А-62 А-62 A-62 A-62 A-62 А-62 А-62 A-62 À-62 А-62 A-62 A-62 A-62 A-62 A-62 À-62 PAGE 3 540336 540344 ‘440310 540377 540385 54035) 546419 540427 540393 540302 540252 540435 540443 5404501 540468 540484 540492 540476 2600V 540500 540518 540526 540534 540583 540567 540575 540542 540519 540600 314112 221085 439307 174995 221143 СВТОР A17 Conv\S85'w/Boot Blue CBTOP A83 Conv\SS w/Boot Red CBTOP AOS Conv\sS w/Boot Grn TBOOT A17 Top Boot Blue TBOOT A83 Top Boot Red TBOOT AOS Top Boot Grn SIDE C99 Side Curtains Clear SIDE\S-C99 Starboard Side Curtaln SIDENP C99 Port Side Cunain AFT A17 Aft Curtain Blue AFT A83 Aft Curtain Red AFT ADJ Aft Curtain Grn CPC\CAMP A17 CPC w/Cmpr Blue CPC A17 CPC w/o Camper Blue CPC\CAMP A83 CPC w/Cmpt Red CPC A83 CPC w/o Camper Red CPCNCAMP AOS CPC w/Cmpr Grn CPC AOS CPC w/o Comper Gm CAMP A17 Cmpr Set w/Boot Blue CAMP A83 Cmpr Set w/Boot Red CAMP ADS Cmpr Set w/Boot Gin HTH20X20A17 20x20 Hih Cover Blue HTH20X20A83 20x20 Hih Cover Red HTH20X20A05 20x20 Hth Cover Grn CAMPER TOP & BOWS REPLACEMENT CBOOT A17 Camper Boot Blue CBOOT A8S Camper Boot Red CBOOT AOS Camper Boot Gm CAMP\F A17 Cmpr Fabric Blue CAMPXNF-AB3 Cmpr Fabric Red CAMPAF AGS Cmpr Fabric Gm CAMPYNAFT Al7 Cmpr Aft Curt Blue CAMPNAFT A83 Cmpr Aft Curt Red CAMPXNAFRT AOS Cmpr Aft Curt Grn CAMP\SD-A17 Cmpr Side Set Blue CAMP\SD-A83 Cmpr Side Set Red CAMPASD AOS Tmpr Side Set Ст CAMPYSD PAJ7 Cmpr Port Curt Blue CAMPXASD PA83 Cmpr Port Curt Red CAMPASD PAGS Cmpr Port Curt Gin CAMPASD SA17 Cmpr Stbd Curt Blu CAMPYASD SA83 Cmpr Stbd Curt Re CAMPYSD SAOS Cmpr Stbd Curt Gin CAMPAMNT Cmpr Hdw Mnting Pkg CAMPABOWSTRP Comper Bow Stra CAMPASINAR Cmpr Rear Stanchton CAMPYNTRAB Cmpr Bows only w/hd CAMPATOPABY Cmpr Main Bow Onl CAMPATOP\B2 Cmpr 2nd Bows Onl CAMPTOP FA17 Cmpr Fabric Blue CAMPTOP FA83 Cmpr fabric Red CAMPTOP FAOS Cmpr Fabric Grn TGP & BOWS REPLACEMENT PARTS CBROPYB Conv Top Bows w/Hdwr CBT®P\B1 Conv Top Main Bow Only CBTOP\B2 Conv Top 2nd Bow Only CBTOPR\B3 Conv Top 3rd Bow Only. CBTOP\FSTRP Fwd Hold Down Strap CTOP\FA 17 Conv Top Fabric Blue CTOPAFA 83 Conv Top Fabric Red CTOP\FA-«05 Conv Top Fabric Gr CTOP\MNT Conv Top Mounting Pkg CTOP\RSTRP Conv Rear Sinchn Pole Adjustable Support Pole AT66101 1 Eye End Cap 7/8 55 AT66100-1 Jaw, Slide 7/8 SS AT66104 1 Flot Deck Hinge SS AT66220-1 Flat Deck Hinge w/Pin \ . A-62 A-62 A-62 144998 LTI504 Có-6 6 Landyard 5S 175075 98404A1?8 Quick Release Pin % 191957 1090289-A540 Set Screw Y 20x 3/4 10/30/90 C-67 С-47 C9 COCKPIT C-23 C 41 FORWARD PORT COCKPIT AREA af 77% C 198 D-69 D 53 ” SUNPAD AREA 10/30/90 7 | 260 OVERNIGHTER - 1991 a C-01 C-01 co] С-0! C-0] C-01 СО] C 02 C-02 C-02 C-02 C-02 C 04 C-04 C 04 C 06 C-06 C-06 C-06 C 08 C-08 ÇC-09 Co cle C IVA C 194 C 198 C 198 C 19C СС С 190 С 190 C 19E C 19E С 19F C 19F C 21A C2iA С 218 C218 C21C C21C C 21D C 21D C 23 С 23 С 23 C 23 С 23 C 23 C 23 C 23 C 23 С 23 С 25 C26 C26 C26 C26 C 26 C26 C26 C26 C26 C 26 C 26 C 29 С 4] C-41 C-47 C-47 C 51 PAGE 4 387258 386136 298828 298810. 298844 298836 27264] 358556 129270 129312 129320 149674 358564 195230 168773 474536 260208 260182 260190 221234 225359 538124 538140 378729 538165 538173 538181 538199 538215 538249 538286 538264 538272 538280 538298 538314 364281 364299 538348 538355 538397 538413 364422 364430 364497 113894 364505 174557 364513 364521 156166 140244 129270 130443 130617 309005 512731 400937 469130 469148 469155 500447 500484 500462 133249 133264 302844 561605 484832 260174 489617 354980 Vinyl Cuddy Wht E W/Foam (EXP) Vinyl Cuddy Wht £ Flat (EXP) | Vinyl Metallic Silver X Vinyl Spectia Charcoal X Vinyl Spectra Lagoon X Vinyl Spectra Wine X Vinyl Spectra Flagship X Cabin Entry Hatch Complete Hinge 2 x96 Alum Cont Cabin Door Hook 2% Locking Hasp 3 W/Swivel Eye Plex % x4 x8 Smoked Cabin Entry Bi fold Door W/Hdwr Hinge 1% x 96 Al Cont Nylon Strap, 3/4 x 10 ’ Cockpit Table Top Table Leg 25 % Flush Mount Base Surface Mount Base Grab Rail Dash (Port) Entertainment Grab Rail Port Side Panel B/R/G SIDA Side Panet-B/R/G Fiberglass Engine Hatch Wht Port Backrest B/R/G Pert Backrest Skn B/R/G Center Backrest B/R/G ' Center Backrest Skin B/R/G Stbd Backrest B/R/G Stbd Backrest Skin B/R/G Port Seat Cushion B/R/G Port Seat Cushion Skin B/R/G Center Seat Cushion B/R/G Center Seat Cush Skin B/R/G Stbd Seat Cushion B/R/G Stbd Seat Skin B/R/G Port Engine Cushion White Port Engine Cushion Skin White Aft Center Engine Cush B/R/G Aft Center Engine Skin B/R/G Fwd Center Engine Cush B/R/G Fwd Center Engine Skin B/R/G * Sibd Engine Cushion White Stbd Engine Cush Skin White Cockpit Refreshment Center Cooler Box Cooler Ud w/ Hdwr Lit Ring Flush Chr/Zinc Aft Storage Door Wht Fwd Storage Door Wht Door/Drawer Pull White Cotch Single Roller Large Hinge 2 x 96 Alum Cont Drink Holder 3 Bjack Plasfic Courtesy Light Flush Mount Bucket Seal Wht/Blue Bucket Seat Wht/Red Bucket Seat Wht/Green Bucket Seat Insert Wht/Blue * gucke! Seat Insert Wht/Red - ucket Seat Insert Wht/Grn Bucket Seat Back insert Wht/Blue! Bucket Seat Backinsert Wnt/Red Bucket Seat Back Insert Wht/Grn 1Bucket Spider Side-Assy — - Pedestal 14 Alum 7 Gel Coat Charcoal Dash Snap In Carpet Liner 2207 Gray Carpet 22 oz Lt Grey —... Speaker Sony XS-616 (Ext) Speaker Cover Extenor Helm Starage Door w/Hdwr C 51 C 51 C 51 C 53 C5 C 53 C-67 C-69 C-69 C-69 {2-69 С 73 C73 0-53 D-53 D-53 0-59 mil. 156273 129270 136846 — Flush D Ring Latch w/lock Hinge 2 x96 Alum Cont Nosng 2 x 12 Alum 356998 «Center Storage Hatch w/Hdwr 133348 174599 188060 125062 221048 221663 22167} 204721 284983 158378 131284 142539 134908 Cooler 25qt Hatch Lift Bolt w/Ring Sea Ray Script Small Plate NMMA Yacht Cert Gas Plate Swirh Ladder Danger Labe! Carbon Monoxide Danger Label Warning Gas Vapor Blower Drink Holder 4 Mug Sz Plastic Teak 4 Hole Dunk Holder Electric Hatch Lift Actuator Bracket Hatch Lift Actuator Grey Convólute Insulation Plate О! Discharge Notice d 10/30/90 260 OV « E13 ES 19 ( В | ÓN NY —0 — 9 ‘| O6 EE 16 << e o \. 17 BILGE paf TDI D-15 HH D-62 D 23 ' - D 23 D-62 D8 HD D-4 | В DO e ° D23— 5 в D 23 | = = E — | DI ^` D 34 ь x Ny _ | [To 2 33 / | \ D-69 E36 E66 E35 E36 E64 E65 E63 DASH AREA E - = BA E? ‚ E-3 E 57 E 44 MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL 52 1 v Si 0/30/90 O — r f 260 OVERNIGHTER - 1991 2-01 2-01 2-02 D-02 0-02 D-04 0-04 D-04 D-05 D-85 D-07 D-08 D-08 D 10 D-10 D-10 D-10 D-18 D-10 D-10 D-15 D 23 D 23 D 23 D-23 D-23 D-23 D-23 D 33 D 37 D-62 D 62 D-62 + D-62 D-62 D-62 D-69 D-69 E-01 E-01 —E-02 E-02 E-03 E 03 E-04 E 04 E-04 E-04 E-04 E 04 E-05 E-06 E 06 E-07, E 07 E-08 E-08 E 08 E-08 Er} } E 13 E-14 Ё 15 Е 16 Е 16 | Е 22 E-22 E-27 E 38 E36 E-37 E-44 PAGES ! 125476 140327 273011 273003 123885 062295 221523 123992 156844 126888 299941 183301 133620 255315 476648 126888 123745 123778 123760 125088 144881 265403 384982 130435 130849 130856 130781 15968] 196337 271445 133280 127837 208512 141101 182337 182345 134908 925088 300533 300525 500405 7 500413 297739 298075 357004 357335 357343 357392 357400 357418 500298 182253 182246 182410 182584 182246 182220 182246 182238 520247 381483 179853 188052 182238 182204 278382 278382 557785 132563 496919 496794 278358 +“ Bilge Pump Float Switch High Water Bilge Alarm (Not Showr) Bige Sump Pump S00GPH Bige Pump 1000GPH Hose 3/4 Black Bilge Cofr Blige Blower 4 Collector Box Hose 4 Vent Tank Water 13 Gal ' Vent Fuel/Water Tank Pump Fresh Water Jabsco Converter 15AMP 12v/110v Converter 20AMP 12v/220v Euro Fuel Tank 99 gal Fuel Pick Up Tube Vent FuelAWater Tank Fuel Fil Hose 1% Fuel Vent Hose, 5/8 - Engine Fuel Line 3/8 7 Label Fuel Warning NMMA Emergency Start Solenold Battery Switch On/Off w/o Lock Battery Switch Dual w/o Lock Battery Holder Black Boot Battery Cable Red Boot Battery Cable Black Battery Cable Red #2 Awg Battery Cable w/Ends,2 Blk #2 Awg Automatic Halon System 150CF Tram Tab Pump Black Breaker Box Hourmeter (Teleflex) Breaker 5 AMP Klixon Breaker 10 AMP Klixon Breaker 15 AMP Kiixon Breaker 20 AMP Kixon Plate Oil Discharge Notice Label NMMA Fuel Warning (Gas) MDP Blank Breaker Panel 220/50 MDP Blank Breaker Panel 110/60 Depth Finder Lowrance 3500 - Transducer Lowrance 0-150 AC Voltmeter 0-300 AC Voltmeter Single Gauge Panel Blank Twin Gauge Panel Blank Twin Port Ignition Panel Blank Single Port Igniton*Panel Blank Stbd Switch Panel W/O Spotiight Stbd Switch Panel W/Spotlight VHF Radlo Standard Titan (Blk) Breaker 20 AMP Stove Breaker 15 AMP Stove Euro Breaker 30 AMP Main 2 Pole Breaker 20 AMP Main Euro Brecker 15 AMP Outlet Brecker 7 5 AMP Outlet Euro Breaker 15 AMP Water Heater Breaker 10 AMP Water Heater Euro Test Switch Reversed Polarty Light Red 125v Ingicator Light 15V Green* Emer Cut-Off Switch w/Lañyard Breaker, 10 AMP Converter Breaker 5 AMP Converter, Brecker 20 AMP Accessory Breaker 20 AMP Trim Tab Ignition Switch Compass Flush Mount 4 1/8 Gouge 00-6000 Tachometer Gauge Engine Synchronizer Breaker 5 AMP Blower — ELCSERERRANSELALELALEL - E65” E 80 E 80 E-80 E-80 E-80 E-80 E-81 E 82 E-84 E-97 E-97 E 97 d 68 C-68 C-68 C-68 C-68 278358 278358 278358 278374 278374 278374 168328 278366 278366 157487 263376 126961 126987 256636 256644 529339 365536 298547 496604 496661 496646 496703 496729 497131 171165 195487 195487 195487 195487 195487 195487 253468 326074 186494 324335 495606 324756 156042 125179 125187 278184 125161 125195 Breaker 5 AMP Horn Brecker 5 AMP Stereo Mute Breaker S AMP Wiper Brecker 15 AMP Water System Breaker 15 AMP Cockpit Lights Breaker 15 AMP Refrigerator Dash Panel Dimmer Switch Breaker 10 AMP Ignition Breaker 10 AMP Nav Light Trim Tab Rocker Switch Spotlight Switch Steering Helm - Steenng Mount 90° Bezel Steering Rack/Cable Assy 190 Steering Rack/Cable Assy 21 0 Steering Wheel 15 w/Urethane Switch w/Gm Ind Wiper Switch w/Grn ind Nav Light Gauge Oll (0-80) Gauge Temperatura (0-220) Gauge Fuel Gauge Voltmater Gauge Tr m Gouge Speedometer w/Kit (0-60) PVC Speedo Tube Hose Switch w/Grn Ind Bilge Pump ___ Switch w/Grn ind Cabin Light Switch w/Grn ind Cockpit Light Switch w/Gm ind Blower Switch w/Gm Ind Fresh Water Switch w/Grn Ind Accessory Switch w/Grn ing Stereo Mute Switch w/Ind Emergency Star Horn Button Receptacle Female 12V 15A Max Receptacle Male 12V 15A Max Plate Receptacle 12V 15A Max Throttle/Shitt Control Single Control Cable KM/19 Morse Control Cable KM/20 Morse Throttle/Shitt Control Dual Control Cable KM/18 Morse Control Cable KM/21 Morse \ > SE | 10/30/90 a. SALON 260 OVERNIGHTER CIC Ё РАСЕ 6 FB 4 FB-25 FB 7 52 Gal” a ” / Saa > 1991 INSTRUMENT ACCESS DOOR h H58 FB28 G 2] 1 G 46 G 47 G 48 © 59 © 50 10/30/90 Sr. \ __260 OVERNIGHTER - 1991 299180 472910 299388 326686 299164 299776 299743 299768 504092 533053 534941 534758 534966 534974 534982 534990 535005 , 535013 53502! 535039 535948 232389 195230 140244 136846 299016 145318 146175 117267 113647 113654 117275 225474 504092 533653 197418 214072 G28 145029 ©-46 G-47 C 47 G 48 G-48 G-48 G-48 G-48 G-50 G 59 G-59 G-59 G-59 G-59 PAGE 6 103515 103580 103572 503722 503703 503748 535229 535252 259887 291583 140244 381681 212480 535328 140244 195230 519629 500322 260174 314757 181115 535336 259887 291583 140244 148015 226738 145110 145102 327742 145086 180489 Fabric Contessa #1001 Blue Flat Thru Boat #81 Fabric Kensington Cloudsky Blue Flat Boat #83 Thru Prasént Fabric Chalmette Trial | Red Fat Fabrle Scotsdale Jade Flat Fabric Cutty Sark Grey w/Foam Pillow Pkg (3) Blue Pillow Pkg (3) Red Pillow Pkg (3) Green Swivel Spotlight Grey Bulb Swivel ight Port V Berth Cushion B/R/G Port V Berth Cush Skin B/R/G° 4 Stbd V Berth Cushion B/R/G Stbd V Berth Cush Skin B/R/G Head V Berth Cushion B/R/G Head V Berth Cush Skin B/R/G V Berth Filler Cushion B/R/G V Berth Filler Cush Skin B/R/G Fwd V Berth Cushion; B/R/G fwd V Berth Cush Skin B/R/G Rope Locker Door w/Hdwr Mirror Rope Locker 10 X 22 % Hinge 1% x% A Cont Catch Single Roller White Nosng Alum a x 12 Fabric Suede Moonbeom Washable Bar Faucet Drain Assy 1% w/Plug lce Box 23 CF Refrigerator 20 CF 120V/60 Refrigerator 2 0 CF 220V/50 Stove Sgl Bumer Alcohol Stove Sgl Burner Alcohol/Elec Swivel Spotlight Grey Bulb Swivel ight Single Fluorescent Light Dome Light Single Flush Mt Dome Light Dual Surface Mt Carpet 28 oz Sky Blue Spur Loc Carpet 28 oz Rouge Spur Loc Carpet 28 oz T Green Spur Loc Canvas Carpet Runner Blue Canvas Carpet Runner Red Canvas Carpet Runner Green Aft Galley Door w/Hdwr Grey Fwd Galley Door w/Hdwr Gray Door/Drawer Handle Gray Hinge Concealed Catch Single Roller White Large Aft Galley Sliding Storage Doors. Door Pull Black Instrument Access Door Grey Catch Single Roller White Large Hinge 1% x96 Al Cont Stereo XR 5500 Sony Stereo XR 7500 Sony (Opt) Speaker Sony XS-616 (Exterior) Speaker Sony XS-6011 Antenna Plug Stbd Storage Door Grey Door/Drawer Handle Grey Hinges Concealed Catch Single Roller White Large Clothes Hook Surface Mt Mica 4 x 8 x 050 Fashion Grey Receptacle GF Duplex Grey 15AMP Receptacle Duplex White 15AMP Receptacle Duplex Grey 20AMP Cover Plate Single Duplex Grey Receptacle Box Phenolic 9 ¥ 146763 130765 258729 221762 13484] 12385) 196667 124420 123950 148098 144764 196568 193359 557785 > Si SS Gatey/heog Head Electric Marine Tollet Heog MSO San Pote Label Notice Overboara Dscnarge Macetator Pump Hose 1% Corr San/Woter Hi Hose | General Purpose Hose Cledr/Whre w/Red Tracer Hose Corr Bige 5/8 White Seacock 3/4 Bronze Tru-null 3/4 Bronze w/o Nut Thru hull 1 Bronze Secacock | Bronze Key Swatch Panel ignition Key Switch + LW mi 10/30/90 ">

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