Lego 8764 Vezon & Fenrakk Manuel utilisateur
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J / Ï y Li | y y 5 I En 1 Al, i Me Win! e E Win LEGO products we would like to know what you think about your new LEGO product. Log on to the web address below for further instructions. [ À Gange des produits LEGO Nous aimerions savoir ce que tu penses de ton nouveau produit LEGO. Tu obtiendras davantage dinformations en visitant le site Internet indique ci-dessous. PY Gewinne LEGO produkte Wir sind sehr an deiner Meinung Uber dein neues LEGO Produkt interessiert. Gehe ein- fach zu der unten angegebenen Webadresse — dort findest du weitere Informationen. E.) Estimado usuario LEGO Al contestar algunas preguntas en inglés. francés, alemán o japonés, en el sitio, podrás participar en el sorteo de algunos valiosos premios LEGO. Gagne! HUEY . Gewinne! 2 Ao responder a algumas per- LE Caro Consumidor da LEGO guntas em Inglés, Frances, Ale- más ou Japonés no endereCo www.acnielsen.aim.dklego irá partici- par num concurso para ganhar valiosos premios da LEGO. [1 Kedves ifji LEGO Vasarlé Ha ellatogatsz a honlapra es ott angol, francia, nemet vagy japan nyelven megvalaszolsz néhany kerdest, akkor részt veszel eqy versenyben, amelyben értékes LEGO dijakat nyerhetsz. [| MACIAS ENE BASE, WEhif BAL ROL Isl REITER BEERSD, MALETA, EPT, ELL TARO SELLER AR, FT HONOR, EAS EE LANE НА, К SIP FLAT HALTESEN, ky ь Any questions regarding your new LEGO product, please contact: Customer Service | Kundenservice Service Consommateurs | Servicio Al Consumidor at or dial Ш Е=5 = 22 00 СО СВ Е EEE] CEE : 00800 5346 5555 — 191 : 1-800-422-5346 LEGO, the LEGO logo are trademarks of The LEGO Group, 22006 The LEGO Group. Discuyar sii UNIVERSE! EHC ERE OS UNIVERSUMI nda. nus UNIVERSUMI Dicouvrs EUNIVERS | FREE LEGO Magazines Des Magazines LEGO GRATUITS ! KOSTENLOSE LEGO Magazine GRATIS LEGO Magazine 7 = wT Ww FF - К-т СБ aT). BEER НЕЕ A MEN] GID ue aia = a E a 25 E ue he a at ue TT + E ELA зу | + WE PAL AE E Ne SN SV am _ E 22) SHOP a HOME в М IH «rr YE roe SARE | CRATDITAT = Ey NE = BIOGU BIOGF BIOGC BIGÓC BIO6C BIO6N SigniupInow!etztianmelden! ÆAbonne;coilmaintenant}!ÿMeldije]nufanni TELE Tps A тен Ef Heroes e PE M SE jeu vidéo office ent guy yay pa.” 62006 The LEGÓ Group: 4501062. = NR DA Ll PET EU Te ee 4 я (=O TT I) WLI E BIONICLES game software & TT Games Publishing Ltd 2006. Developed by Travellers Tales Lid.. Publishad by Eidos and TT Games under license from tha LEGO Group. LEGO, the LEGO oi and BIONICLE® are trademarks of tha'sont des marques de commerce de'son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2008 The LEGO Group. Eidos and the Bdes logo are trademarks of the SCi Emertanment Group. All rights resarvad. A and *AaysStaton” ara registered trademarks of Sony Computer Emtartainmentinc. All Rights Resarved. Xbox, and the Xbox logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries and are used under licanss from Microsoft All Fights Reserved. HINTENDO GAMECUBE, THE NINTENDO GAMECUBE LOGO, GAME BOY ADVANCE AND NINTENDO Cs ARE TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO. ww w.BIONNICLE.COIN ">

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