Tau 300SC 300SCE key selector Manuel du propriétaire
300SC - 300SCE SELETTORE A CHIAVE / KEY SWITCH / SCHLÜSSELSCHALTER CONTACTEUR À CLÉS / INVERSOR A LLAVE mm 78 mm 57 mm 78 mm 78 mm 30 mm 78 mm 57 Serratura / Lock / Schloss Serrure / Cerradura Contatti / Contacts / Kontakte Contacts / Contactos Portata contatti / Contact capacity Stromfestigkeit der Kontakte Portée contacts / Capacidad contactos Grado di protezione / Protected to Schutzart / Protection / Grado de protección 2 posizioni con ritorno a molla / 2 positions with spring recovery 2 Stellungen mit Federrückgang / 2 positions avec retour à ressort 2 posiciónes con retorno con muelle 2 microinterruttori con contatti in scambio / 2 microswitches with exchange contact / 2 Mikroschalter mit Wechselkontakt / 2 microinterrupteurs avec contact en èchange / 2 microinterruptores con contacto en conmutación Max: 250Vac - 3A / 125Vac - 5A IP 44 (con prodotto installato verticalmente) / IP 44 (with item installed vertically) / IP 44 (mit senkrecht installiertes Produkt) / IP 44 (produit installé de façon verticale) / IP 44 (con producto instalado sobre el lado vertical) ELECTRICAL LAYOUT Collegamento APRE / CHIUDE OPEN / CLOSE connection C D-MNL0SC IGB DFE- NO NC NC NO C Collegamento NC = Normalmente Chiuso - NO = Normalmente Aperto APRE - CHIUDE / STOP NC = Normally Closed - NO = Normally Open NC = Gewöhnlich geschlossen - NO = Gewöhnlich geöffnet OPEN - CLOSE / STOP NC = Normalement Fermé - NO = Normalement Ouvert connection NC = Normalmente Cerrado - NO = Normalmente Abierto C NO NC Al contatto APRE To OPEN contact NO C Al contatto CHIUDE To CLOSE contact Al contatto comune (+V/COM) della centrale To common contact (+V/COM) of control board C NC Al contatto STOP To STOP contact NC NO C Al contatto PASSO-PASSO To STEP by STEP contact Al contatto comune (+V/COM) della centrale To common contact (+V/COM) of control board srl via E. Fermi, 43 - 36066 Sandrigo (VI) Italia - Tel ++390444750190 - Fax ++390444750376 - E-mail: info@tauitalia.com rev. 00 del 16/02/2011 300SC - 300SCE 1 http://www.tauitalia.com ">

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