Salto XS4 Mini Electronic Lock Manuel du propriétaire
Installation guide For DIN type mortise locks D F NL 22.5 E i 150 xx..series 58.5 Montageanleitung Guide d'installation Handleiding Guida all'installazione 50 I Installation guide Guía de instalación 127 E 77 Eng M5 38 PH2 (X2) BOLT (X4*) 38 TORX 20 (X1) O20 MIN. TORX 10 (X1) TORX 20 (X4) ALLEN 3 (X2) Eng Mortise Lock not included. E Cerradura de embutir no incluida. Einsteckschloss nicht enthalten. Serrure à mortaiser non incluse. Serratura non inclusa. D t*> 60 F t I e Int 4° x. ma e ts i d r Ou terio ite x E nse ur ße Au xtérie o n E i de Ins erior e Int nseit e ur Inn térie o In rn er Est Eng E D F I Eng NL SALTO recommends the use of a mortise lock, with a maximum 4º pre-turn. SALTO recomienda utilizar cerraduras con un pregiro maximo de 4º. SALTO empfiehlt den Einsatz von Einsteckschlössern mit max. 4° Vorspannung. SALTO recommande d’utiliser des serrures à mortaiser avec un angle au repos de 4° maximum. SALTO raccomanda l'utilizzo di una serratura con un angolo di pre-rotazione massimo di 4°. Select handing Kies draairichting E Seleccione mano D Drückerrichtung wählen I Selezionare il verso F Choisir le sens de la bèquille Real size 4 Real size TORX 20 3 mm L 2 R 1 5 6 3 All contents current at time of publication. SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of any item in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials. © 2017 SALTO Systems S.L. 1/4 221495-ED.1- 15/11/2017 Installation guide For DIN type mortise locks Eng Installation 1 E Instalación D Montage F Installation 2 NL Handleidig I Montaggio 3 *ø8 *ø9 38 *O 8 mm. MIN.O20 mm. 4 5 NOT OK = Real size PH2 = Real size 6 7 8 click! Real size TORX 10 + + + Eng LR03 AAA E D AT THIS POINT DO NOT CLOSE THE DOOR, PROGRAM THE LOCK FIRST. Follow user manual NO CIERRE LA PUERTA, PROGRAME LA CERRADURA Consulte el manual del usuario TÜR NICHT SCHLIESSEN, ZUERST SCHLOSS PROGRAMMIEREN. Folgen Sie dem Benutzerhandbuch F I All contents current at time of publication. SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of any item in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials. © 2017 SALTO Systems S.L. NE FERMEZ PAS LA PORTE, PROGRAMMEZ LA BÉQUILLE AVANT. Consultez le manuel utilisateur PROGRAMARE LA SERRATURA, PRIMA DI CHIUDERE LA PORTA. Consultare il manuale utente 2/4 221495-ED.1- 15/11/2017 Installation guide Mortise lock cable connection ***** Eng Installation 1 E Instalacion D Montage 38 F Installation NL Handleidig Montaggio 2 PANIC *ø8 *ø9 ***** O25 *O 8 mm. Outside Exterior PRIVACY Außenseite Extérieur SALTO LE8Pxx.. LE7Sxx.. + 25 13 O I O OPTION 2 20 OPTION 1 3 4 5 2 PH2 1 Real size NOT OK 6 = 7 = Real size 1 8 Débranchez Ziehen Losmaken Scollagare click! + + + Unplug Desconecte 2 Plug Conecte TORX 10 Einstecken Connecte Insteken Collegare LR03 AAA Real size All contents current at time of publication. SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of any item in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials. © 2017 SALTO Systems S.L. 3/4 221495-ED.1- 15/11/2017 Installation guide For DIN type mortise locks Eng I Battery change E Sustitución de las pilas D Batterie tauschen F Remplacer les piles NL Vervangen batterij Sostituzione la pila 1 3 2 4 + SP221457 + + TORX 10 All contents current at time of publication. SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of any item in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials. © 2017 SALTO Systems S.L. 4/4 221495-ED.1- 15/11/2017 ">

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