Vinsetto 921-308V80 Executive Massage Office Chair Mode d'emploi
IN221200548V01_US_CA 921-308V80_921-308 IMPORTANT, RETAIN FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: READ CAREFULLY Assembly video please scan the QR code . ASSEMBLY & INSTRUCTION MANUAL 120 120 A B 1 C 1 R E F 1 H A 1 B 1 C 2 H 8 D 1 K 1 J 1 L G 1 I 12 2 5 8 01 A C H B D 1 H 4 02 H D E 1 F 1 G 5 03 F G E 04 1 e K on 8 D I I K US If you have any questions, please contact our customer care center. Our contact details are below: 001-877-644-936 6 c ustomer servic Imported by Aosom LLC 27 150 SW Kinsman Rd W i lson vil le , OR 9 7070 USA M ADE IN CHINA CA If you have any questions, please contact our customer care center. Our contact details are below: Si vous avez la moindre question, veuillez contacter notre centre d'ass i stance à la clientèle. Nos coordonnées sont les suivante s: 416-7 92-6088 customerservice @ Imported by Aosom Canada I nc . 1251 Tapscott Road , Un i t 101 , Scarborough, On tario C anada M1X 1S9 MA DE IN CH INA Importé par Aosom C anada Inc. 1251 Rue Tap sc ott , U nité 101 , Scarborough , Ontario C anada M1X 1S9 FABRIQUÉ EN CHIN E ">

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