Honey-Can-Do SHF-01608 Bakers Rack with Shelves and Hanging Storage Mode d'emploi
SHF-01608 chrome baker’s rack repisa de panadero de cromo casier de boulangerie chrome 35.75 in L x 14.25 in W x 61.25 in H /90.8 cm L x 36.2 cm W x 155.6 cm H HONEYCANDO.COM | CUSTOMERSERVICE@HONEYCANDO.COM | 877.2.I.CAN.DO (877.242.2636) PARTS LIST PART/ILLUSTRATION (QTY) DESCRIPTION A (1) upper shelf estante superior étagère supérieure B (2) lower shelves estantes más bajos étagères inférieures C (2) front lower supports soportes frontal inferior des supports inférieurs avant D (2) back lower supports soportes de espalda baja supports au bas du dos E (2) upper supports soportes superiores supports supérieurs F (1) vertical rack vertical del bastidor crémaillère verticale G (1) shelf estante étagère PARTS LIST PART/ILLUSTRATION (QTY) DESCRIPTION H (16) shelf supports soportes del estante supports d’étagères I (2) bushings bujes douilles J (4) levelers niveladores niveleurs K (4) shelf supports soportes del estante supports d’étagères L (8) screws tornillos vis M (6) s-hooks s-ganchos s-crochets N (4) packaging embalaje conditionnement TOOLS NOT INCLUDED O phillips screwdriver destornillador Phillips tournevis cruciforme ASSEMBLY 1 B C D D C H J J Honey-Can-Do H ASSEMBLY 2 O x4 E L K G E H I K D honeycando.com ASSEMBLY 3 A H F H H Honey-Can-Do ASSEMBLY 4 M M honeycando.com YOUR SOURCE FOR ORGANIZATION, STORAGE & STYLE Honey-Can-Do International 5300 St. Charles Road, Berkeley, IL 60163 USA 877.242.2636 | honeycando.com | customerservice@honeycando.com ©2019 Honey-Can-Do International, LLC | All Rights Reserved Visit youtube.com/myhoneycando to watch our assembly videos. 191121 ">

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