19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 / 20MJ10 SERVICE MANUAL S67A419J-M100 COLOR TELEVISION Chassis No. SN-70 POWER – VOL + 9 CH 8 VIDEO IN AUDIO POWER – VOL + 19J-M100/150/100S 20J-M100 CJ19M10 CJ20M10 ? CH > VIDEO IN AUDIO 19J-M100/19J-M100S 19J-M150/CJ19M10 MODELS 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 In the interests of user-safety (Required by safety regulations in some countries ) the set should be restored to its original condition and only parts identical to those specified should be used. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS POWER INPUT ........................... 120 V AC 60 Hz POWER RATING .......................................... 84 W PICTURE SIZE ............... 19":1194cm2(185sq inch) .................................... 20":1240cm2(192sq inch) CONVERGENCE .................................... Magnetic SWEEP DEFLECTION ............................ Magnetic FOCUS ....................... Hi-Bi-Potential Electrostatic INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCIES Picture IF Carrier Frequency ............. 45.75 MHz Sound IF Carrier Frequency .............. 41.25 MHz Color Sub-Carrier Frequency ............ 42.17 MHz (Nominal) AUDIO POWER OUTPUT RATING ........ 0.9W (at 10% distortion) SPEAKER SIZE ................................................ 8cm(Round) VOICE COIL IMPEDANCE ....... 8ohm at 400 Hz ANTENNA INPUT IMPEDANCE VHF/UHF ............................ 75 ohm Unbalanced TUNING RANGES VHF-Channels ....................................... 2thru 13 UHF-Channels .................................... 14thru 69 CATV Channels ................................... 1thru 125 USA: (EIA, Channel Plan) Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. CONTENTS æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ Page ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................ 1 IMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY PRECAUTION ...................................................................2 LOCATION OF USER'S CONTROL ........................................................................................ 6 INSTALLATION AND SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................7 CHASSIS LAYOUT ............................................................................................................... 13 BLOCK DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................ 14 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS ..................................................................................................... 15 PRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLIES ........................................................................... 21 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST .............................................................................................. 27 PACKING OF THE SET ........................................................................................................ 35 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION Service Headquarters: Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430-2135 SHARP ELECTRONICS OF CANADA LTD. 335 Britannia Road East Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1W9 Canada SHARP CORPORATION 1 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10/ 20MJ10 IMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY PRECAUTION Service work should be performed only by qualified service technicians who are thoroughly familiar with all safety checks and servicing guidelines which follow: WARNING X-RADIATION AND HIGH VOLTAGE 1. For continued safety, no modification of any circuit should be attempted. 2. Disconnect AC power before servicing. 3. Semiconductor heat sinks are potential shock hazards when the chassis is operating. 4. The chassis in this receiver has two ground systems which are separated by insulation material. The nonisolated (hot) ground system is for the B+ voltage regulator circuit and the horizontal output circuit.The isolated ground system is for the low B+ DC voltages and the secondary circuit of the high voltage transformer. To prevent electrical shock use an isolation transformer between the line cord and power receptacle, when servicing this chassis. LIMITS 4A 125V CAUTION: FOR CONTINUED PROTECTION AGAINST A RISKOF FIRE, REPLACE ONLY WITH SAME TYPE 4A125V FUSE. SERVICING OF HIGH VOLTAGE SYSTEM AND PICTURE TUBE When servicing the high voltage system, remove the static charge by connecting a 10k ohm resistor in series with an insulated wire (such as a test probe) between the picture tube ground and the anode lead. (AC line cord should be disconnected from AC outlet.) 1. Picture tube in this receiver employs integral implosion protection. 2. Replace with tube of the same type number for continued safety. 3. Do not lift picture tube by the neck. 4. Handle the picture tube only when wearing shatterproof goggles and after discharging the high voltage anode completely. 1. Be sure all service personnel are aware of the procedures and instructions covering X-radiation. The only potential source of X-ray in current solid state TV receivers is the picture tube. However, the picture tube does not emit measurable X-Ray radiation if the high voltage is as specified in the "High Voltage Check" instructions. It is only when high voltage is excessive that Xradiation is capable of penetrating the shell of the picture tube including the lead in glass material. The important precaution is to keep the high voltage below the maximum level specified. 2. It is essential that service personal have available at all times an accurate high voltage meter. The calibration of this meter should be checked periodically. 3. High voltage should always be kept at the rated value −no higher. Operation at higher voltages may cause a failure of the picture tube or high voltage circuitry and; also under certain conditions, may produce radiation that exceeds specifications. 4. When the high voltage regulator is operating properly there is no possibility of an X-radiation problem. Every time a color chassis is serviced, the brightness should be tested while monitoring the high voltage with a meter to be certain that the high voltage does not exceed the specified value and that it is regulating correctly. 5. Do not use a picture tube other than that specified or make unrecommended circuit modifications to the high voltage circuitry. 6. When trouble shooting and taking test measurements on a receiver with excessive high voltage, avoid being unnecessarily close to the receiver. Do not operate the receiver longer than is necessary to locate the cause of excessive voltage. 2 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 / 20MJ10 IMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY PRECAUTION (Continued) BEFORE RETURNING THE RECEIVER æ (Fire & Shock Hazard) Before returning the receiver to the user, perform the following safety checks. 1. Inspect all lead dress to make certain that leads are not pinched or that hardware is not lodged between the chassis and other metal parts in the receiver. 2. Inspect all protective devices such as non-metallic control knobs, insulating materials, cabinet backs, adjustment and compartment covers or shields, isolation resistor-capacity networks, mechanical insulators, etc. 3. To be sure that no shock hazard exists, check for leakage current in the following manner. æ Plug the AC cord directly into a 120 volt AC outlet, using reverse polarity.(Do not use an isolation transformer for this test). æ Using to clip leads, connect a 1.5k ohm, 10 watt resistor paralleled by a 0.15∝F capacitor in series with all exposed metal cabinet parts and a known earth ground, such as electrical conduit or electrical ground connected to earth ground. æ Use an AC voltmeter having with 5000 ohm per volt, or higher, sensitivity to measure the AC voltage drop across the resistor. Connect the resistor connection to all exposed metal parts having a return to the chassis (antenna, metal cabinet, screw heads, knobs and control shafts, escutcheon, etc.) and measure the AC voltage drop across the resistor. AII check must be repeated with the AC line cord plug connection reversed. (IF necessary, a nonpolarized adapter plug must be used only for the purpose of completing these check.) Any current measured must not exceed 0.5 milliamp. Any measurements not within the limits outlined above are indicative of a potential shock hazard and corrective action must be taken before returning the instrument to the customer. AC VOLTMETER 1.5k ohm 10w 0.15µF TEST PROBE TO EXPOSED METAL PARTS CONNECT TO KNOWN EARTH GROUND 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 SAFETY NOTICE Many electrical and mechanical parts in television receivers have special safety-related characteristics. These characteristics are often not evident from visual inspection, nor can protection afforded by them be necessarily increased by using replacement components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc. Replacement parts which have special safety characteristics are identified in this manual; electrical components having such features are identified by " å " and shaded areas in the Replacement Parts Lists and Schematic Diagrams. For continued protection, replacement parts must be identical to those used in the original circuit. The use of substitute replacement parts which do not have the same safety characteristics as the factory recommended replacement parts shown in this service manual, may create shock, fire, X-radiation or other hazards. 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 3 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10/ 20MJ10 PRECAUTIONS A PRENDRE LORS DE LA REPARATION Ne peut effectuer la réparation qu' un technicien spécialisé qui s'est parfaitement accoutumé à toute vérification de sécurité et aux conseils suivants. AVERTISSEMENT 1. N'entreprendre aucune modification de tout circuit. C'est dangereux. 2. Débrancher le récepteur avant toute réparation. 3. Les déversoirs thermiques à semi-conducteurs peuvent présenter un danger de choc électrique lorsque le réceqteur est en marche. 4. Le châssis de ce récepteur possède deux systèmes de masse qui sont séparées par du matériel d'isolation. Le système de masse non-isolée (sous tension) est pour le circuit du régulateur de tension + B et le circuit de sortie horizontale. Le système de masse isolée est pour les tensions DC + B basses et le circuit secondaire du transformateur haute tension. Pour éviter tout risque d'électrocution lors de l'entretien de ce châssis, utiliser un transformateur d'isolation entre le cordon de ligne et la prise de courant. 4A 125V PRECAUTION:POUR LA PROTECTION CONTINUE CONTRE LES RISQUES D'INCENDIE, REMPLACER LE FUSIBLE PAR UN FUSIBLE DE MEME TYPE 4A-125V. REPARATION DU SYSTEME A HAUTE TENSION ET DU TUBE-IMAGE Lors de la réparation de ce systéme, supprimer la charge statique en branchant une résistance de 10 kΩ en série avec un fil isolé (comme une sonde d'essai) entre la mise à la terre du tube-image et le fil d'anodel. (Le corden d'alimentation doit être retiré de la prise murale.) 1. Le tube image dans ce récepteur emploie une protection intégrée contre l'implosion. 2. Par mesure de sécurité, changer le tube-image pour un tube du même numéro de type. 3. Ne pas lever le tube-image par son col. 4. Ne manipuler le tube-image qu'en porant des lunettes incassables et qu'après avoir déchargé totalement la haute tension. LIMITES DES RADIATIONS X ET DE LA HAUTE TENSION 1. Tout le personnel réparateur doit être instruit des instructions et procédés relatifs aux radiations X. Le tube-image, seule source de rayons X dons les téleviseurs transistorisés, n'émet pourtant pas de rayons mesurables si la haute tension est maintenue à un niveau préconisé dans la section "Vérification de la haute tension". C'est seulement quand la haute tension est excessive que les rayons X peuvent entrer dans l'enveloppe du tube-image y compris le conducteur de verre. Il est important de maintenir la haute tension endessous du niveau spécifié. 2. Il est essentiel que le réparateur ait sous la main un voltmètre à haute tension qui doit être périodiquement étalonné. 3. La haute tension doit toujours être maintenue à la valeur de régime -et pas plus haute. L'opération à des tensions plus élevées peut entraîner une panne du tube-image ou du circuit à haute tension et, dans certaines conditions, peut entraîner une radiation dépassant les niveaux préscrits. 4. Quand le régulateur à haute tension fonctionne correctement, il n'y a aucun problème de radiation X. Chaque fois qu'un châssis couleurs est réparé, la luminosité doit être examinée bout en contrôlant la haute tension à l'aide d'un voltmètre pour s'assurer que la haute tension ne dépasse pas la valeur spécifiée et qu'elle soit correctement réglée. 5. Ne pas utiliser un tube-image autre que celui spécifié et ne pas effectuer de modifications déconseillées du circuit à haute tension. 6. Lors de la recherche des pannes et des mesures d'essai sur un récepteur qui présente une haute tension excessive, éviter de s'approcher inutilement du récepteur. Ne pas faire fonctionner le récepteur plus longtemps que nécessaire pour localiser la cause de la tension excessive. 4 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 / 20MJ10 PRECAUTIONS A PRENDRE LORS DE LA REPARATION (Suite) VERIFICATIONS CONTRE L'INCEN-DIE ET LE CHOC ELECTRIQUE æ Avant de rendre le récepteur à l'utilisateur, effectuer les vérifications suivantes. 1. Inspecter tous les faisceaux de câbles pour s'assurer que les fils ne soient pas pincés ou qu'un outil ne soit pas placé entre le châssis et les autres pièces métalliques du récepteur. 2. Inspecter tous les dispositifs de protection comme les boutons de commande non-métalliques, les isolants, le dos du coffret, les couvercles ou blindages de réglage et de compartiment, les réseaux de résistance-capacité, les isolateurs mécaniques, etc. 3. S'assurer qu'il n'y ait pas de danger d'électrocution en vérifiant la fuite de courant, de la facon suivante: æ Brancher le cordon d'alimentation directem-ent à une prise de courant de 120V. (Ne pas utiliser de transformateur d'isolation pour cet essai). æ A l'aide de deux fils à pinces, brancher une résistance de 1,5 kΩ 10 watts en parallèle avec un condensateur de 0.15µF en série avec toutes les pièces métalliques exposées du coffret et une terre connue comme une conduite électrique ou une prise de terre branchée à la terre. æ Utiliser un voltmètre CA d'une sensibilité d'au moins 5000Ω/V pour mesurer la chute de tension en travers de la résistance. Toucher avec la sonde d'essai les pièces métalliques exposées qui présentent une voie de retour au châssis (antenne, coffret métallique, tête des vis, arbres de commande et des boutons, écusson, etc.) et mesurer la chute de tension CA en-travers de la résistance. Toutes les vérifications doivent être refaites après avoir inversé la fiche du cordon d'alimentation. (Si nécessaire, une prise d'adpatation non polarisée peut être utilisée dans le but de terminer ces vérifications.) Tous les courants mesurés ne doivent pas dépasser 0,5 mA. Dans le cas contraire, il y a une possibilité de choc électrique qui doit être supprimée avant de rendre le récepteur au client. AC Voltmètre CA VOLTMETER 1.5k ohm 10w 0.15µF SONDE D'ESSAI AUX PIECES TO EXPOSED METALLIQUES METAL PARTS EXPOSEES BRANCHER A TO UNE CONNECT TERRE CONNUE KNOWN EARTH GROUND 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 AVIS POUR LA SECURITE De nombreuses pièces, électriques et mécaniques, dans les téléviseurs présentent des caractéristiques spéciales relatives à la sécurité, qui ne sont souvent pas évidentes à vue. Le degré de protection ne peut pas être nécessairement augmentée en utilisant des pièces de remplacement étalonnées pour haute tension, puissance, etc. Les pièces de remplacement qui présentent ces caractéristiques sont identifiées dans ce manuel; les pièces électriques qui présentent ces particularités sont identifiées par la marque " å " et hachurées dans la liste des pièces de remplacement et les diagrammes schématiques. Pour assurer la protection, ces pièces doivent être identiques à celles utilisées dans le circuit d'origine. L'utilisation de pièces qui n'ont pas les mêmes caractéristiques que les pièces recommandées par l'usine, indiquées dans ce manuel, peut provoquer des électrocutions, incendies, radiations X ou autres accidents. 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 5 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10/ 20MJ10 LOCATION OF USER'S CONTROL 19J-M100/150/100S/CJ19M10/20MJ10 6 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 / 20MJ10 20J-M100/CJ20M10 7 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10/ 20MJ10 INSTALLATION AND SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS Note: (1) (2) When performing any adjustments to resistor controls and transformers use non-metallic screwdriver or TV alignment tools. Before performing adjustment, TV set must be on at least 15 minutes. CIRCUIT PROTECTION HIGH VOLTAGE CHECK The receiver is protected by a 4.0A fuse (F701), mounted on PWB-A, wired into one side of the AC line input. High voltage is not adjustable but must be checked to verify that the receiver is operating within safe and efficient design limitations as specified checks should be as follows: X-RADIATION PROTECTOR CIRCUIT TEST 1.After service has been performed on the horizontal deflection system, high voltage system, B + system, test the X-Radiation protection circuit to ascertain proper operation as follows: 1) Apply 120V AC using a variac transformer for accurate input voltage. 2) Allow for warm up and adjust all customer controls for normal picture and sound. 3) Select a local channel. 4) Connect a digital voltmeter to TP653 and make sure that the voltmeter reads 20.9±1.5V(19J-M100/100S/ M150/CJ19M10),21.5±1.5V(20J-M100/CJ20M10). 5) Apply external 26.8V DC at TP653 by using an external DC supply, TV must be shut off. 6) To reset the protector, unplug the AC cord and make a short circuit between TP651 and TP652.Now make sure that normal picture appears on the screen. 7) If the operation of the horizontal oscillator does not stop in step 5, the circuit must be repaired before the set is returned to the customer. 1. Connect an accurate high voltage meter between ground and anode of picture tube. 2. Operate receiver for at least 15 minutes at 120V AC line voltage, with strong air signal or properly tuned in test signal. 3. Set service mode on (See next page.),Service No.S19 and Bus data "01" (Y-mute on). 4. The voltage should be approximately 26.0kV(19JM100/100S/M150/CJ19M10) 26.5kV(20J-M100/ CJ20M10)(at zero beam)." If a correct reading cannot be obtained, check circuitry for malfunctioning components. After the voltage test,make Y-mute off (normal mode). 8 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 / 20MJ10 For adjustments of this model, the bus data is convered to various analog signals by the D-A converter circuit. Note: There are still a few analog adjustments in this series such as focus and master screen voltage. Follow the steps below whenever service adjustment is required. See Figure "B" to determine if service adjustments are required. To enter the service mode . 1.Service mode Before putting unit into the service mode, check, that customer adjustments are in the normal mode. use the reset function in the video adjust menu to ensure customer controls are in their While Pressing the Vol-up and Ch- up buttons at once,plug the AC cord into a wall socket.Now the TV set is switched on and enters the service mode. To exit the service mode, shut the television off by pressing the power button. 2.Service number selection Once in the service mode, press the channel up or channel down button on the remote transmitter or at the set. the service adjustment number will vary in increments of one, from "S01" to S19. Select the item you wish to adjust. 3.Data number selection Press the volume up or down button to adjust the data number. DATA NUMBER CHANNEL SERVICE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER S01 55 02 S01 D:00 Figure B. 9 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10/ 20MJ10 SERVICE NUMBER S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 S06 S07 S08 S09 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 DATA ADJUSTMENT ITEM INITIAL VALUE RANGE PICTURE TINT COLOR BRIGHTNESS SHARPNESS VERTICAL PHASE HORIZONTAL PHASE RF-AGC VERTICAL AMP VCO R CUT-OFF G CUT -OFF B CUT-OFF G GAIN B GAIN TRAP(3.58MHz) BALANCE C.C.POSITION Y-MUTE 55 46 32 40 28 00 12 2A 20 2C 00 00 00 7F 7F 00 20 18 00 00-7F 00-7F 00-7F 00-7F 00-3F 00-07 00-1F 00-3F 00-3F 00-7F 00-FF 00-FF 00-FF 00-FF 00-FF 00 or 01 00-3F 00-7F 00,01,03 ADJUSTMENT CONTENTS Must be set to “24” Must be set to “00”~"03" Must be set to “00” Must be set to “20” 00=NORMAL, 01=no”Y, 03=NO VERTICAL” Table - A Holding down both the CH UP/DOWN keys on the TV set at service mode for more then 2 seconds will automatically write the above initial values into IC2101. ADJUSTMENT PART REPLACED NECESSARY NOTES UNNECESSARY X IC2001 Data is stored in IC2101. IC201 X The adjustment is needed to compensate for characteristics of parts including IC201. IC2101 X Holding down both the CH UP/DOWN keys on the TV set at service mode for more than 2 seconds will automatically write the above initial values into IC2101. CRT X Adjust items related to picture tube only. Table - B 10 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 / 20MJ10 Ë adjustment VCO Adjustment White balance adjustment 1. Connect a digital voltmeter between pin (44) of IC201 and ground. 2. Select a good local channel. 3. Enter the service mode. select adjustment "S10". 4. Adjust the data so that digital voltmeter shold read 2.2V 5. Adjustment is complete, remove the volt-meter, return to "normal" mode. 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Enter the service mode. select service adjustment "S03" and set to "00" ( minimum color) . "S03" does not have to be adjusted if you selected a B/W picture or monoscope pattern. 3. Alternately adjust service adjustment data of "S14" and "S15" untill a good grey scale with normal whites is obtained. 4. Select service adjustment "S03" and adjust data to obtain normal color level. RF AGC Adjustment 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment "S08". 3. Set the data value to point where no noise or beat appears. 4. Select another channel to confirm that no noise or beat appears. NOTE1 :You will have to come out of the service mode to select another channel. NOTE2 :Setting the data to "00" will pro-duce a black raster. Screen adjustment 1. Connect a digital voltmeter between TP852 and TP853 on the CRT socket PWB. Note:These test points may not be provided. Then connect the voltmeter to both ends of R852 located near Q852 on the foil side. 2. Select a good local channel. 3. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment “S03” and set the data value to “00” to set the color level to minimum.(Record original data code under adjustment “S03” before changing) You may skip this step if you selected a B/W picture or monoscope pattern. 4. Select service adjustment “S19” and adjust the data value to “01” this turn off the luminance signal (Ymute). 5. Select service adjustment "S04" and adjust data value to obtain 0.17 volts on the digital voltmeter. 6. Adjust the master screen cotrol untill raster darkens to the point where raster is barely seen. 7. Adjust service adjustments "S11" red,"S12" green and "S13" blue to obtain a good grey scale with normal whites at low brightness level. 8. Select service adjustment “S19” and reset data to “00”. Select service adjustment “S03” and reset data to obtain normal color level. 9. Remove digital voltmeter. Reset master screen cotrol to obtain normal brightness range. 11 Sub-picture adjustment 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Make sure the customer picture control is set to maximum. 3. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment "S01". 4. Adjust the data value to achieve normal contrast range. Sub-Tint Adjustment 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Set customer tint control to center of it's range. 3. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment "S02". 4. Adjust "S 02" data value to obtain normal flesh tones. 19J-M100/100S/150/20J-M100 CJ19M10/CJ20M10/ 20MJ10 Sub-color adjustment "Horizontal position adjustment 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Make sure the customer color control is set to center position . 3. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment "S03". 4. Adjust "S03"data value to obtain normal color level. 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment "S07". 3. Adjust "S07" data value so that picture is centered. Sub-brightness adjustment 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment "S18". 3. A black text box appears on the screen ( see Figure C). 4. Adjust "S18" data value so that text box is positioned in the center of the screen. 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Make sure the customer brightness control is set to center position. 3. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment "S04". 4. Adjust "S04"data value to obtain normal brightness level. Vertical-size adjustment 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment "S09". 3. While observing the top and bottom of the screen, adjust "S09" data value to proper vertical size . Caption position adjustment (horizontal) 3.58MHz trap adjustment 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment "S16" . 3. This is a two position adjustment, "00"is ON , "01" is OFF. 4. Adjust data value to "00" for normal viewing. Sharpness and Audio balance adjustments Vertical phase adjustment 1. Enter the service mode and select service adjustment "S06". 2. Adjust data value to "00"~"03" so that picture is approximate center. Note: This must be set "00"~"03" when adjust another data retrace line will be appear. 1. Have unit receive a good local channel. 2. Enter the service mode and select "S05" for sharpness and "S17" for balance. • Sharpness adjustments 3. Adjust data value to "24" (center of data range) for sharpness adjustment. • Audio balance adjustments 4. Adjust data value to "20" (center of data range) for Audio balance adjustment. Figure C. 12 19J-M100/100S/150 19J-M100/100S/150 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 CHASSIS LAYOUT BLOCK DIAGRAM MODEL 20MJ10 HH G G 20MJ10 H MODEL 20MJ10 G FF F EE E DD D CC C BB B AA A 1 22 33 4 4 13 5 5 6 6 7 1 8 2 93 104 14 11 5 612 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10/ 20J-M100/CJ20M10 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10/ 20J-M100/CJ20M10 DESCRIPTION OF SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM H NOTE: 1. The unit of resistance "ohm" is omitted (K:1000 ohms, M:1 Meg ohm). 2. All resistors are 1/8 watt, unless otherwise noted. 3. All capacitors are µ F, unless otherwise noted P: µµ F. 4. (G) indicates ±2% tolerance may be used. indecates line isolated ground. 5.G 6. indecates hot ground. VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT CONDITIONS: 1. All DC voltages are measured with DVM connected between points indicated and chassis ground, line voltage set at 120V AC and all controls set for F normal picture unless otherwise indicated. 2. All voltages measured with 1000µ V B & W or Color signal. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM :CRT Unit WAVEFORM MEASUREMENT CONDITIONS: 1. Photographs taken on a standard gated color bar signal, the tint setting adjusted for proper color. The wave shapes at the red, green and blue cathodes of the picture tube depend on the tint, color level and picture control. 2. indicates waveform check points (See chart, waveforms are measured from point indicated to chassis ground.) H 19J-M100/M150 CJ19M10 G m AND SHADED ( ) COMPONENTS = SAFETY RELATED PARTS. ▲ MARK= X-RAY RELATED PARTS. DRGANNES MARQUES m ET HACHRES ( ): PIECES RELATIVES A LA SECURITE. MARQUE ▲ : PIECS RELATIVE AUX RAYONS X. F This circuit diagram is a standard one, printed circuits may be subject to change for product improvement without prior notice. E E 20MJ10 D D C C B B A A 1 2 3 4 15 5 6 7 1 8 2 93 10 4 16 511 612 19J-M100/100S/150 19J-M100/100S/150 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM:MAIN Unit H G F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 17 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 11 12 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10/ 20J-M100/CJ20M10 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10/ 20J-M100/CJ20M10 PRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLIES(19J-M100/150/CJ19M10/CJ20M10) H G F PWB-B:CRT Unit (Wiring Side) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM :CRT Unit E D C B A PWB-A:MAIN Unit (Wiring Side) 1 2 3 4 19 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 11 12 19J-M100/100S/150 19J-M100/100S/150 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 H G F PWB-B:CRT Unit (Chip Parts Side) E D C B A PWB-A:MAIN Unit (Chip Parts Side) 1 2 3 4 21 5 6 7 8 9 10 22 11 12 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10/ 20J-M100/CJ20M10 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10/ 20J-M100/CJ20M10 PRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLIES(19J-M100S) H G F E PWB-B CRT PWB (Wiring Side) D C B A 1 2 3 4 23 5 6 7 8 9 10 24 11 12 19J-M100/100S/150 19J-M100/100S/150 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 CJ19M10/CJ20M10 H G F PWB-B CRT PWB (Chip parts) E D C B A PWB-A MAIN PWB (Chip parts) 1 2 3 4 25 5 6 7 8 9 10 26 11 12 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. ★ Part No. Description Code PARTS LIST LISTE DES PIECES PARTS REPLACEMENT CHANGE DES PIECES Replacement parts which have these special safety characteristics identified in this manual ; electrical components having such features are identified by å and shaded areas in the Replacement Parts Lists and Schematic Diagrams. The use of a substitute replacement part which dose no have the same safety characteristic as the factory recommended replacement parts shown in this service manual may create shock, fire or other hazards. Les pi`eces de rechange qui pr élelesentent ces caract éleristiques sp éleciales de s élecurit éle, sont identifi élees dans ce manuel : les pi`eces élelectriques qui pr élesentent ces particularit éles, sont rep éler élee par la marque å et sont hachur élees dans les listes de pi`eces et dans les diagrammes sch élematiques. La substitution d'une pi`ece de rechange par une autre qui ne pr éLesente pas les m éoemes caract éLeristiques de s élecurit éle que la pi`ece recommand élee parl'usine et dans ce manuel de service, peut provoquer une éLelectrocution, un incendie ou toutautre sinistre. "HOW TO ORDER REPLACEMENT PARTS" To have your order filled promptly and correctly, please furnish the following informations. 1. MODEL NUMBER 2. REF. NO. 3. PART NO. 4. DESCRIPTION in USA: "COMMENT COMMANDER LES PIECES DE RECHANGE" Pour que votre commande soit rapidement et correctement remplie, veuillez fournir les renseignements suivants. Contact your nearest SHARP Parts Distributor to order. For location of SHARP Parts Distributor, Please call Toll-Free; 1-800-BE-SHARP ★ Description 4. DESCRIPTION ★MARQUE: SECTION LIVRAISON DES PIECES DE RECHANGE MARKç : X- RAY RELATED PARTS Part No. 2. NO. DE REF 3. NO. DE PIECE in CANADE: Contact SHARP Electronics of Conada Limited Phone (416) 890-2100 MARK★: SPARE PARTS-DELIVERY SECTION Ref. No. 1. NUMERO DU MODELE ç Code MARQUE : PIECES RELATIVE AUX RAYONS X Ref. No. 19J-M100/150/CJ19M10 å çå V101 or L702 DY601 VB48AFS15X/*S VB48KZL70X/*S RCiLG0014MEZZ RCiLH0099MEZZ å çå V101 VB48KRD89X/1E L702 RCiLG0014MEZZ DY601 RCiLH0100MEZZ PMAGF3001MEZZ MSPRT0002MEZZ QEARC1913MEZZ Picture Tube CC M M Degaussing Coil Deflection Yoke AM AY M M M M M M Picture Tube Degaussing Coil Deflection Yoke Magnet Ass'y Spring for CRT Grounding part NOTE:THE PARTS HERE SHOWN ARE SUPPLIED AS AN ASSEMBLY BUT NOT INDEPENDETLY. å TU51 VTUVTST6UF78/ J Tuner BD INTEGRATED CIRCUITS çå CB AM AZ AG AA AE çå å çå å 20J-M100/CJ20M10 çå å å V101 VB51KZR50X/*S DY601 RCiLH0105MEZZ L702 RCiLG0017MEZZ M Picture Tube M Deflection Yoke M Degaussing Coil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RH-iX2933CEZZ RH-iX2573CEZZ VHiTDA7233/-1 VHiTA8403K/-1 VHiSTR301301E VHiKA7809Pi-1 RH-iX2942CEZZ VHiPST994C/-1 RH-iX2447CEN1 J J J J J R J J J TAL268N (20MJ10) TDA7233 TA8403k I.C. KiA7809Pi TMPA8701CHF106 PST994C ST24C01B6 You can substitute "VS2SD601AR/-1" for "VS2SC2462-C-1". Q201 VS2SC2735//1E J 2SC2735 Q351 VS2SD601AR/-1 J 2SD601(AR) Q401 VS2SD601AR/-1 J 2SD601(AR) Q402 VS2SB709AR/-1 J 2SB709(AR) Q403 VS2SD601AR/-1 J 2SD601(AR) Q404 VS2SB709AR/-1 J 2SB709AR Q451 VS2SB709AR/-1 J 2SB709AR Q601 VS2SC2655Y/-1 J 2SC2655(Y) (NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM) DUNTK9273WEV0 DUNTK9273WEV2 DUNTK9273WEV5 DUNTK9273WEV4 DUNTK9316WEV0 DUNTK9274WEV2 DUNTK9274WEV0 DUNTK9317WEV0 IC201 IC201 IC351 IC501 IC701 IC751 IC2001 IC2040 IC2101 AX AF AL AP AE AV AD AL TRANSISTORS PRINTED WIRING BOARDASSEMBLYS PWB-A PWB-A PWB-A PWB-A PWB-A PWB-B PWB-B PWB-B Code TUNER M 19J-M100S/20MJ10 çå Description DUNTK9273WEV0/V2/V4/V5 DUNTK9316WEV0/V2 MAIN UNIT PICTURE TUBE çå ★ Part No. Main Unit (19J-M100/150) _ Main Unit (20J-M100) _ Main Unit (CJ20M10) _ Main Unit (CJ19M10) _ Main Unit (19J-M100S) _ CRT Unit (20J-M100/CJ20M10) CRT Unit(19J-M100/150) _ CRT Unit(19J-M100S) _ 27 å Q602 or or or VS2SD2095//1E VS2SD2095//1E VS2SD2499//1E VS2SD2586//1E J 2SD2095 AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AE AN 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 Ref. No. ★ Part No. Description Code Ref. No. DUNTK9273WEV0/V2/V4/V5 DUNTK9316WEV0/V2 MAIN UNIT å Q603 or or Q730 Q751 or Q752 or or Q753 Q2001 Q2002 Q2060 VS2SC945AQ/-1 VS2SC1815YW-1 VS2SC3198-Y-1 VS2SC2002-K1A VS2SD667D//-1 VS2SC1983//-2 VS2SC945AQ/-1 VS2SC1815YW-1 VS2SC3198-Y-1 VS2SA1013//1E VS2SD601AR/-1 VS2SD601AR/-1 VS2SD601AR/-1 D2060 RH-EX0298CEZZ 2SC945(AQ) AB J J 2SC2002 2SD667(D) AC AE J 2SC945(AQ) AB 2SA1013 2SD601(AR) 2SD601(AR) 2SD601(AR) J Description Code Zener Diode AA PACKAGED CIRCUITS J J J J J ★ Part No. PR701 RMPTP0026CEZZ X801 RCRSB0001PEZZ or RCRSB0205CEZZ J R Packaged Circuit Crystal,3.58MHz AF AL FILTERS CF301 or CF401 or CF631 CF2040 AD AC AC AC RFiLC0403CEZZ RFiLC0029TAZZ RFiLC0013CEZZ RFiLC0004PEZZ RFiLA0034CEZZ RFiLC0121GEZZ SF201 RFiLC0405CEZZ J Filter AE J Filter AE J J Filter Filter AD AD J S.A.W.Filter AH COILS DIODES çå çå çå D51 D52 D53 D102 D401 D402 D454 D455 D501 or or D502 D601 D603 or or D604 D605 or or D631 D641 D651 D652 D653 D661 D701 D702 D703 D704 D730 D751 or D752 D757 D758 D2001 RH-EX0611GEZZ RH-EX0701GEZZ RH-EX0611GEZZ RH-EX0611GEZZ VHD1SS119//-1 RH-EX0092CEZZ RH-EX0103CEZZ VHD1SS119//-1 RH-DX0441CEZZ RH-DX0110CEZZ RH-DX0441CEZZ RH-DX0131CEZZ RH-DX0441CEZZ RH-DX0441CEZZ RH-DX0110CEZZ RH-DX0441CEZZ VHD1SS119//1E VHD1SS119//1E RH-DX0110CEZZ RH-DX0441CEZZ RH-EX0630GEZZ RH-EX0631GEZZ RH-DX0131CEZZ VHD1SS119//-1 RH-EX0091CEZZ RH-DX0444CEZZ RH-DX0154CEZZ RH-DX0154CEZZ RH-DX0154CEZZ RH-DX0154CEZZ RH-EX0310CEZZ RH-DX0417CEZZ RH-DX0200CEZZ RH-EX0019TAZZ VHD1SS119//-1 RH-DX0131CEZZ VHD1SS119//-1 J J J J J J J J J Zener Diode Zener Diode Zener Diode Zener Diode Diode Zener Diode Zener Diode 1SS119 Diode å L201 L202 L301 L302 or L401 L402 L403 L404 L406 L409 L701 or or L701 å L701 AA AB AA AA AB AB AB AB AC å J J J Diode Diode Diode AC AC AC J J 1SS119 1SS119 AA AA J J J J J J J J J J J J Zener Diode Zener Diode Diode 1SS119 Zener Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Zener Diode Diode AA AA AC AB AB AH AC AC AC AC AA AE J J J J Zener Diode Diode Diode 1SS119 AB AB AC AB or L2040 VP-XF1R2K0000 J 1.2µH AB RCiLi0612CEZZ J If Coil AE VP-XF8R2K0000 J 8.2µH AB RCiLi0613CEZZ J If Coil AE RCiLC0605CEZZ VP-XF6R8K0000 J 6.8µH AB VP-XF3R3K0000 J 3.3µH AB VP-XF100K0000 J 10µH AB VP-XF8R2K0000 J 8.2µH AB VP-XF680K0000 J 68µH AB VP-XF100K0000 J 10µH AB RCiLF0029PEZZ R Coil AH RCiLF0087CEZZ (19J-M100/M100S/M150/20J-M100) RCiLF0235CEZZ RCiLF0090CEZZ R Coil AL (CJ19M10/CJ20M10) RCiLF0087CEZZ R Coil (20MJ10) RCiLF0235CEZZ RCiLB0131CEZZ J Oscillation Coil AE T601 T602 T701 RTRNZ0168CEZZ RTRNF0149PEZZ RTRNP0518CEZZ TRANSFORMERS çå å J R J Transformer H-OUT Power AH BE AN CAPACITORS EL:Electrolytic C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C102 C201 C202 C203 C204 28 VCEA0A1CW476M VCSATA1CE226K VCEA0A1HW105M VCEA0A1HW225M VCEA0A1CW477M VCEA0A1CW107M VCKYCY1HF103Z VCKYPA1HF103Z VCKYCY1HF103Z VCKYCY1HF103Z J J J J J J J J J J 47 22 1.0 2.2 470 100 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 16V 16V 50V 50V 16V 16V 50V 50V 50V 50V EL. Tantalum EL. EL. EL. EL. Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic AB AD AB AB AC AC AA AA AA AA 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. DUNTK9273WEV0/V2/V4/V5 DUNTK9316WEV0/V2 MAIN UNIT C205 C206 C207 C208 C209 C210 C302 C303 C304 C305 C306 C308 C309 C312 C313 C351 C352 C353 C354 C355 C361 C362 C402 C403 C405 C406 C407 C408 C409 C410 C411 C413 C414 C419 C420 C451 C454 C502 C504 C505 C506 C507 C508 C509 C510 C511 C513 C514 C517 C522 C551 C552 VCEA0A1HW474M VCEA0A1CW227M VCKYCY1HF103Z VCEA0A1HW474M VCKYCY1HB222K VCKYCY1HB102K VCCCCY1HH330J VCKYCY1HB472K VCEA0A1HW225M VCKYPA1HB151K VCKYPA1HF103Z VCKYCY1HB102K VCEA0A1CW227M VCKYCY1HF103Z VCEA0A1HW225M VCKYCY1HB562K VCEA0A1CW107M VCEA0A1CW337M RC-QZA104TAYK VCEA0A1CW226M VCEA0A1CW477M VCEA0A1CW476M VCCCCY1HH331J VCCCCY1HH101J VCEA0A1HW335M VCEA0A1HW335M RC-QZA104TAYK VCEA0A1CW106M VCEA0A1HW105M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAGA1CW108M VCKYCY1HF103Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCCCCY1HH330J VCCCCY1HH471J RC-QZA563TAYK VCEA0A1HW475M VCEA0A1EW477M VCKYPA2HB391K VCQYTA1HM473K RC-QZA104TAYK RC-QZA103TAYK VCEAGA1VW107M VCKYPA2HB102K VCEAGA1VW477M VCQYTA1HM473K VCEACA1HC225M VCEACA1HC225J VCKYPA1HB102K VCKYCY1HF103Z VCSATA1CE225K VCEA0A1HW225M J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 0.47 220 0.01 0.47 2200p 1000p 33p 4700p 2.2 150p 0.01 1000p 220 0.01 2.2 5600p 100 330 0.1 22 470 47 330p 100p 3.3 3.3 0.1 10 1.0 0.1 1000 0.01 0.1 33p 470p 0.056 4.7 470 390p 0.047 0.1 0.01 100 1000p 470 0.047 2.2 2.2 1000p 0.01 2.2 2.2 50V EL. 16V EL. 50V Ceramic 50V EL. 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V EL. 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 16V EL. 50V Ceramic 50V EL. 50V Ceramic 16V EL. 16V EL. 50V Mylar 16V EL. 16V EL. 16V EL. 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V EL. 50V EL. 50V Mylar 16V EL. 50V EL. 25V Ceramic 16V EL. 50V Ceramic 25V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V Mylar 50V EL. 25V EL. 500V Ceramic 50V Mylar 50V Mylar 50V Mylar 35V EL. 500V Ceramic 35V EL. 50VMylar 50V EL. 50V EL. 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 16V Tantalum 50V EL. AB AC AA AB AA AA AA AA AB AA AA AA AC AA AB AA AC AC AB AB AC AB AA AA AB AB AB AB AB AA AD AA AA AA AA AB AB AD AA AB AB AA AC AA AD AB AC AC AA AA AB AB ★ Description Code çå C604 C608 VCEA0A1CW227M VCFPPD3CA772H J J çå C608 VCFPPD3CA802H J çå C608 VCFPPD3CA712H J C609 C612 RC-QZA223TAYK VCFPPJ2EB474J J J C612 VCFPPJ2EB564J J C631 C632 C633 C652 C653 C661 C662 C701 or or or or C702 C703 C704 VCEA0A1HW225M VCKYCY1HF103Z VCEA0A1HW105M VCEA0A1HW475M VCEA0A1CW106M VCKYPA2HB152K VCEA0A1CW477M RC-FZ015SCEZZ RC-FZ004SGEZZ RC-QZ005SCEZZ RC-FZ002SCEZZ RC-FZ00279CEZZ VCKYPB2HE103P VCKYPB2HE103P VCKYPB2HE103P J J J J J J J J 220 16V EL. AC 7700p 1600VMetal.P.FilmAF (19J-M100/150/CJ19M10) 8000p 1600VMetal.P.Film (19J-M100S/20MJ10) 7100p 1600VMetal.P.FilmAE (20J-M100/CJ20M10) 0.022 50V Mylar AB 0.47 250VMetal.P.Film AF (19J-M100/150/CJ19M10 m 0.56 250VMetal.P.Film (20J-M100/CJ20M10/ CJ19M10) 2.2 50V EL. AB 0.01 50V Ceramic AA 1.0 50V EL. AB 4.7 50V EL. AB 10 16V EL. AB 1500p 500V Ceramic AC 470 16V EL. 0.047 AC125V Plastic AE J J J 0.01 0.01 0.01 500V Ceramic 500V Ceramic 500V Ceramic AB AB AB C705 or or or C706 or C707 C711 C712 C751 C753 C754 C756 C757 C758 C759 C801 C802 C803 C804 C805 C806 C807 C901 C905 C2001 C2002 C2003 RC-EZ0522CEZZ RC-EZ0422CEZZ RC-EZ0423CEZZ RC-EZ0523CEZZ RC-KZ0092GEZZ RC-KZ0311CEZZ VCEAGA2CW226M VCKYPA1HF103Z RC-EZ0638CEZZ VCEA0A1CW476M VCEAGA1VW477M VCEA0A1CW337M VCEA0A1CW107M RC-QZA104TAYK VCEAGA2EW106M VCKYPA2HB102K RC-QZA223TAYK VCEA0A1HW474M VCCCCY1HH120J VCEA0A1HW104M VCEA0A1HW104M VCEA0A1HW104M VCCCCY1HH820J VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEA0A1HW335M VCCCCY1HH101J VCCCCY1HH101J VCEA0A1CW106M J 470 200V EL. AN J 0.0033 AC250V Ceramic AC J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 22 0.01 33 47 470 330 100 0.1 10 1000p 0.022 0.47 12p 0.1 0.1 0.1 82p 0.1 3.3 100p 100p 10 å å å å å 29 Part No. 160V 50V 160V 16V 35V 16V 16V 50V 250V 500V 50V 50V 50V 50V 50V 50V 50V 25V 50V 50V 50V 16V EL. Ceramic EL. EL. EL. EL. EL. Mylar EL. Ceramic Mylar EL. Ceramic EL. EL. EL. Ceramic Ceramic EL. Ceramic Ceramic EL. AD AA AG AB AD AC AC AB AC AA AB AB AA AB AB AB AA AA AB AA AA AB 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. DUNTK9273WEV0/V2/V4/V5 DUNTK9316WEV0/V2 MAIN UNIT å C2021 C2022 C2023 C2024 C2040 C2041 C2060 C2061 C2062 C2401 C2601 C2602 VCCCCY1HH101J VCCCCY1HH101J VCCCCY1HH101J VCCCCY1HH101J VCEA0A1AW107M VCEA0A1HW105M RC-QZA104TAYK VCKYD41HB101K VCEA0A1AW107M VCCSD41HL560J VCEA0A1CW476M VCCCCY1HH101J RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ6 RJ7 RJ9 RJ10 RJ12 RJ13 RJ14 RJ15 RJ17 RJ18 RJ19 RJ20 RJ21 RJ24 RJ26 RJ29 RJ30 RJ32 RJ35 RJ40 RJ49 RJ52 RJ53 RJ55 RJ59 RJ62 RJ63 RJ64 RJ65 RJ66 RJ68 R51 R52 R53 R54 VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRN-MD2AL000J VRS-VV3AB331J VRS-VV3DB470J VRS-VV3LB223J VRN-MD2AL101J J J J J J J J J J J J J 100p 100p 100p 100p 100 1.0 0.1 100p 100 56p 47 100p 50V 50V 50V 50V 10V 50V 50V 50V 10V 50V 16V 50V Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic EL. EL. Mylar Ceramic EL. Ceramic EL. Ceramic AA AA AA AA AB AB AB AA AB AA AB AA RESISTORS å å å J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 330 47 22k 100 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 1W 2W 3.0W 0.1W Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA Metal.OxideAA Metal.OxideAA Metal.OxideAB Metal.Film AA å 30 Part No. ★ R55 R56 R57 R106 R201 R202 R203 R204 R205 R206 R208 R301 R302 R303 R307 R352 R353 R354 R361 R364 R401 R403 R404 R405 R406 R407 R408 R409 R410 R411 R412 R413 R414 R415 R416 R417 R418 R419 R423 R426 R440 R451 R452 R454 VRN-MD2AL101J VRN-MD2AL823J VRN-MD2AL223J VRS-VV3AB181J VRN-MD2AL221J VRD-RA2BE122J VRD-RA2BE682J VRN-MD2AL270J VRD-RA2BE391J VRD-RA2EE151J VRN-MD2AL391J VRD-RA2BE222J VRN-MD2AL102J VRN-MD2AL153J VRN-MD2AL333J VRN-MD2AL332J VRN-MD2AL4R7J VRN-MD2AL152J VRD-RA2BE102J VRN-MD2AL473J VRN-MD2AL682J VRD-RA2BE331J VRN-MD2AL391J VRD-RA2BE102J VRN-MD2AL470J VRN-MD2AL680J VRN-MD2AL102J VRN-MD2AL471J VRD-RA2BE563J VRN-MD2AL103J VRD-RA2EE561J VRD-RA2BE470J VRD-RA2BE470J VRD-RA2BE470J VRN-MD2AL102J VRD-RA2BE101J VRN-MD2AL152J VRN-MD2AL472J VRN-MD2AL222J VRN-MD2AL271J VRN-MD2AL821J VRS-VV3AB103J VRD-RA2BE152J VRD-RA2BE334J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J R454 VRD-RA2BE474J J R455 R456 R457 R458 VRD-RA2BE392J VRN-MD2AL223J VRD-RA2BE102J VRD-RA2BE334J J J J J R458 VRD-RA2BE474J J R458 R459 VRD-RA2BE334J VRD-RA2BE123J J J Description Code 100 0.1W Metal.Film AA 82k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 22k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 180 1W Metal.OxideAA 220 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.2k 1/8W Carbon AA 6.8k 1/8W Carbon AA 27 0.1W Metal.Film AA 390 1/8W Carbon AA 150 1/4W Carbon AA 390 0.1W Metal.Film AA 2.2k 1/8W Carbon AA 1.0k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 15k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 33k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 3.3k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 4.7 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.5k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.0k 1/8W Carbon AA 47k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 6.8k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 330 1/8W Carbon AA 390 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.0k 1/8W Carbon AA 47 0.1W Metal.Film AA 68 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.0k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 470 0.1W Metal.Film AA 56k 1/8W Carbon AA 10k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 560 1/4W Carbon AA 47 1/8W Carbon AA 47 1/8W Carbon AA 47 1/8W Carbon AA 1.0k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 100 1/8W Carbon AA 1.5k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 4.7k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 2.2k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 270 0.1W Metal.Film AA 820 0.1W Metal.Film AA 10k 1W Metal.OxideAA 1.5k 1/8W Carbon AA 330k 1/8W Carbon AA (19J-M100/150) 470k 1/8W Carbon AA (20J-M100/CJ20M10) 3.9k 1/8W Carbon AA 22k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.0k 1/8W Carbon AA 330k 1/8W Carbon AA (19J-M100/150) 470k 1/8W Carbon AA (20J-M100/CJ20M10) 330k 1/8W Carbon AA 12k 1/8W Carbon AA 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. DUNTK9273WEV0/V2/V4/V5 MAIN UNIT å VRN-VV3DB1R5J VRD-RM2HD824J VRS-KA3NG681J VRS-KA3NG681J VRS-KA3HG3R3K VRS-VV3DB270J VRD-RA2EE101J VRS-VV3DB151J VRS-VV3DB181J VRD-RM2HD331J VRD-RA2BE562J VRD-RA2BE223J VRS-VV3DB470J VRD-RA2BE472J VRS-SV2HC100J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J å R758 VRS-SV2HC180J J R801 R802 R803 R804 R805 R806 R902 R906 R925 R961 R962 R2001 R2002 R2006 R2008 R2009 R2010 R2011 R2012 R2020 R2022 R2024 R2025 R2026 R2027 R2028 R2029 R2031 R2032 R2040 R2041 R2042 R2043 R2044 R2045 R2047 R2048 VRN-MD2AL332J VRN-MD2AL332J VRN-MD2AL182J VRN-MD2AL182J VRN-MD2AL182J VRN-MD2AL333J VRN-MD2AL750J VRN-MD2AL102J VRN-MD2AL104J VRN-MD2AL101J VRN-MD2AL101J VRD-RA2BE102J VRN-MD2AL103J VRN-MD2AL103J VRD-RA2BE224J VRN-MD2AL102J VRN-MD2AL102J VRN-MD2AL821J VRN-MD2AL471J VRD-RM2HD223J VRD-RA2BE333J VRD-RA2BE682J VRD-RA2BE682J VRD-RA2BE682J VRD-RA2BE682J VRD-RA2BE102J VRN-MD2AL102J VRN-MD2AL103J VRN-MD2AL471J VRN-MD2AL102J VRN-MD2AL333J VRN-MD2AL101J VRN-MD2AL101J VRN-MD2AL682J VRN-MD2AL101J VRN-MD2AL221J VRD-RA2BE562J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J å å å å å å çå çå çå çå å å å å å å å VRD-RA2BE471J VRD-RA2BE101J VRD-RA2BE683G VRD-RA2BE104G VRD-RA2BE473J VRD-RM2HD1R5J VRD-RM2HD1R2J J J J J J J J 470 1/8W Carbon 100 1/8W Carbon 68k 1/8W Carbon 100k 1/8W Carbon 47k 1/8W Carbon 1.5 1/2W Carbon 1.2 1/2W Carbon (19J-M100S/20MJ10) AA AA AA AA AA AA AA R511 R512 R516 R517 R518 R524 R525 R552 R553 R554 R602 R603 R605 R606 R607 R608 R609 R610 R620 R621 R631 R632 R633 R634 R641 R642 R651 R653 R654 R655 R659 VRN-SV2HB1R5J VRD-RM2HD331J VRD-RA2BE683G VRD-RA2BE103G VRD-RA2BE154J VRN-MD2AL332J VRD-RA2BE473J VRD-RA2BE102J VRN-MD2AL273J VRN-MD2AL472J VRD-RA2EE820J VRS-SV3LB220J VRN-MD2AL332J VRD-RA2BE102J VRD-RA2BE101J VRD-RA2BE101J VRD-RA2BE331J VRS-VV3DB391J VRD-RA2BE103J VRN-MD2AL682J VRN-MD2AL391J VRN-MD2AL152J VRN-MD2AL472J VRD-RM2HD101J VRS-VV3AB682J VRD-RA2BE821J VRD-RM2HD1R0J VRD-RA2BE102J VRD-RA2BE473J VRN-MD2AL104J VRN-VV3AB2R2J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J R659 VRN-VV3AB2R7J J R661 R701 R701 VRN-VV3ABR47J VRC-UA2HG275K VRC-UB2HG275K J J J R702 R703 R704 R705 R706 VRW-KP3HC1R8K VRS-KA3NG681J VRS-VV3AB123J VRD-RA2EE334J VRD-RM2HD470J J J J J J 1.5 1/2W Metal.Film AA 330 1/2W Carbon AA 68k 1/8W Carbon AA 10k 1/8W Carbon AA 150k 1/8W Carbon AA 3.3k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 47k 1/8W Carbon AA 1.0k 1/8W Carbon AA 27k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 4.7k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 82 1/4W Carbon AA 22 3.0W Metal.OxideAB 3.3k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.0k 1/8W Carbon AA 100 1/8W Carbon AA 100 1/8W Carbon AA 330 1/8W Carbon AA 390 2W Metal.OxideAA 10k 1/8W Carbon AA 6.8k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 390 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.5k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 4.7k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 100 1/2W Carbon AA 6.8k 1W Metal.OxideAA 820 1/8W Carbon AA 1.0 1/2W Carbon AA 1.0k 1/8W Carbon AA 47k 1/8W Carbon AA 100k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 2.2 1W Metal.Film AA (19J-M100/100S/150/ CJ19M10) 2.7 1W Metal.Film AA (20J-M100/CJ20M10) 0.47 1W Metal.Film AA 2.7M 1/2W Solid AA 2.7M 1/2W Solid AA (CJ19M10/CJ20M10) 1.8 5W Cement AC 680 7.0W Metal.OxideAF 12k 1W Metal.OxideAA 330k 1/4W Carbon AA 47 1/2W Carbon AA å å å å å 31 ★ R707 R708 R709 R711 R717 R730 R731 R732 R733 R751 R752 R754 R755 R757 R758 å R504 R505 R506 R507 R508 R510 R510 Part No. Description Code 1.5 2W Metal.Film AB 820k 1/2W Carbon AA 680 7.0W Metal.OxideAF 680 7.0W Metal.OxideAF 3.3 5W Metal.OxideAD 27 2W Metal.OxideAA 100 1/4W Carbon AA 150 2W Metal.OxideAA 180 2W Metal.OxideAA 330 1/2W Carbon AA 5.6k 1/8W Carbon AA 22k 1/8W Carbon AA 47 2W Metal.OxideAA 4.7k 1/8W Carbon AA 10 1/2W Metal.OxideAA (19J-M100/M100S/150/ CJ19M10) 18 1/2W Metal.OxideAA (20J-M100/CJ20M10) 3.3k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 3.3k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.8k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.8k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.8k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 33k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 75 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.0k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 100k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 100 0.1W Metal.Film AA 100 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.0k 1/8W Carbon AA 10k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 10k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 220k 1/8W Carbon AA 1.0k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.0k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 820 0.1W Metal.Film AA 470 0.1W Metal.Film AA 22k 1/2W Carbon AA 33k 1/8W Carbon AA 6.8k 1/8W Carbon AA 6.8k 1/8W Carbon AA 6.8k 1/8W Carbon AA 6.8k 1/8W Carbon AA 1.0k 1/8W Carbon AA 1.0k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 10k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 470 0.1W Metal.Film AA 1.0k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 33k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 100 0.1W Metal.Film AA 100 0.1W Metal.Film AA 6.8k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 100 0.1W Metal.Film AA 220 0.1W Metal.Film AA 5.6k 1/8W Carbon AA 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. DUNTK9273WEV0/V2/V4/V5 DUNTK9316WEV0/V2 MAIN UNIT R2049 R2054 R2055 R2060 R2061 R2062 R2063 R2064 R2066 R2067 R2068 R2070 R2101 R2102 R2501 R2503 R2504 R2505 R2506 R2507 R2508 R2509 R2601 VRN-MD2AL333J VRN-MD2AL103J VRN-MD2AL103J VRN-MD2AL221J VRN-MD2AL562J VRN-MD2AL183J VRD-RA2BE222J VRD-RA2BE332J VRN-MD2AL103J VRN-MD2AL103J VRN-MD2AL103J VRN-MD2AL103J VRN-MD2AL101J VRN-MD2AL101J VRN-MD2AL123J VRN-MD2AL273J VRN-MD2AL123J VRN-MD2AL563J VRD-RA2BE563J VRN-MD2AL823J VRN-MD2AL153J VRN-MD2AL272J VRD-RA2BE470J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 33k 10k 10k 220 5.6k 18k 2.2k 3.3k 10k 10k 10k 10k 100 100 12k 27k 12k 56k 56k 82k 15k 2.7k 47 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 1/8W 1/8W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 1/8W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 1/8W Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Carbon Carbon Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Carbon Metal.Film Metal.Film Metal.Film Carbon å å QSW-K0079GEZZ QSW-K0079GEZZ QSW-K0079GEZZ QSW-K0079GEZZ QSW-K0079GEZZ RRLYU0036CEZZ RRLYU0028CEZZ QFS-B4023CEZZ QFS-B4021GEZZ RBLN-0037CEZZ RBLN-0037CEZZ QFSHD1013CEZZ QFSHD1014CEZZ QJAKE0159CEZZ QJAKE0158CEZZ QPLGN0261CEZZ QPLGN0561CEZZ QPLGN0603CEZZ QPLGN0361CEZZ QPLGN0207CEZZ QPLGN0461CEZZ QPLGN0561CEZZ RMC2601 RRMCU0222CEZZ or RRMCU0216CEZZ RDA501 PRDAR0218PEFW RDA602 PRDAR0216PEFW RDA701 PRDAR0238PEFW or PRDAR3189PEFW TP701 QLUGP0102PEZZ Description Code DUNTK9274WEV0/V2 DUNTK9317WEV0 CRT UNIT AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA TRANSISTORS Q852 Q854 Q856 Q881 VS2SC2229O/1E VS2SC2229O/1E VS2SC2229O/1E VS2SA1266-Y-1 D881 D882 D885 VHD1SS119//-1 VHD1SS119//-1 VHD1SS119//-1 J J J J L851 R859 R859 VP-DF151K0000 VRN-MD2AL470J VRN-MD2AL470J C851 C852 C853 C854 C858 C881 C883 VCCCCY1HH271J VCCCCY1HH271J VCCCCY1HH271J RC-KZ0016CEZZ VCKYCY1HB102K VCEA0A1CW106M VCEA0A1CW336M R851 R852 R853 R857 R858 R859 R859 VRN-MD2AL470J VRD-RA2BE271J VRN-MD2AL121J VRS-VV3AB123J VRD-RM2HD332J VRN-MD2AL470J VRD-RA2BE470J J J J J J J J R860 R860 VRD-RA2BE271J VRD-MD2AL221J J J R861 R865 R866 R867 R867 VRN-MD2AL121J VRS-VV3AB123J VRD-RM2HD332J VRD-RA2BE470J VRD-MD2AL470J J J J J J R868 R868 VRN-MD2AL271J VRD-RA2BE221J J J R869 R873 R874 R881 R882 R883 R884 R886 VRN-MD2AL121J VRS-VV3AB123J VRD-RM2HD332J VRN-MD2AL561J VRN-MD2AL391J VRD-RA2BE561J VRN-MD2AL152J VRN-MD2AL431J J J J J J J J J 2SC2229(O) 2SC2229(O) 2SC2229(O) 2SA1266(Y) AD AD AD AA DIODES J J J Diode Diode Diode AB AB AB COILS J J J 150µH 47 0.1W 47 0.1W AB Metal.Film AA Metal.Film AA CAPACITORS MISCELLANEOUS PARTS S2501 S2502 S2503 S2504 S2505 RY701 or F701 or FB602 FB603 FH701 FH702 J903 J905 P302 P401 P601 P651 P701 P751 P2001 ★ Part No. J J J J J J J 270p 270p 270p 0.1 1000p 10 33 50V 50V 50V 1.4kV 50V 16V 16V Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic EL. EL. AA AA AA AC AA AB AB RESISTORS J J J J J J Switch,Power Switch,Vol-down Switch,Vol-up Switch,Ch-down Switch,Ch-up Relay AB AB AB AB AB AM J Fuse AC J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Balun Balun Fuse Holder Fuse Holder Jack Jack Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug Remote Receiver AB AB AC AC AF AF AB AB AB AB AA AB AB AL R R R Heat Sink Heat Sink Heat Sink AD AE AN R Lug AA å å å 32 47 0.1W Metal.Film AA 270 1/8W Carbon AA 120 0.1W Metal.Film AA 12k 1W Metal.OxideAA 3.3k 1/2W Carbon AA 47 0.1W Metal.Film AA 47 1/8W Metal.Film AA (19J-M100S/20MJ10) 270 1/8W Carbon AA 220 0.1W Carbon AA (19J-M100S/20MJ10) 120 0.1W Metal.Film AA 12k 1W Metal.Oxide AA 3.3k 1/2W Carbon AA 47 1/8W Carbon AA 47 0.1W Carbon AA (19J-M100S/20MJ10) 270 0.1W Metal.Film AA 220 1/8W Metal.Film AA (19J-M100S/20MJ10) 120 0.1W Metal.Film AA 12k 1W Metal.Oxide AA 3.3k 1/2W Carbon AA 560 0.1W Metal.Film AA 390 0.1W Metal.Film AA 560 1/8W Carbon AA 1.5k 0.1W Metal.Film AA 430 0.1W Metal.Film AA 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. DUNTK9274WEV0/V2 DUNTK9317WEV0 CRT UNIT QPLGN0561CEZZ J Plug QPLGN0461CEZZ J Plug QSOCV0840CEZZ J Socket QSOCV0826CEZZ (19J-M100/150/CJ19M10/20J-M100/CJ20M10) SC851 QSOCV0913CEZZ or QSOCV0929CEZZ (19J-M100S/20MJ10) Description Code CABINET PARTS MISCELLANEOUS PARTS P851 P852 SC851 or ★ Part No. AB AB AK 19J-M100/19J-M100S/CJ19M10/20MJ10 1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 2 CCABA1266MES2 _ GCOVA1031MEKA HBDGB3009MESA JBTN-1090MEKA GCABB1130MEKA 1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 2 CCABA1266MES1 _ GCOVA1031MEKA HBDGB3009MESA JBTN-1090MEKB GCABB1130MEKB M M M M M M Cabinet Front Ass'y Cabinet Front Cover Badge "sharp" Button,CH/VOL-up down Rear Cabinet BB _ AD AC AD AX 19J-M150 M M M M M M Cabinet Front Ass'y Cabinet Front Cover Badge "sharp" Button,CH/VOL-up down Rear Cabinet BD AD AC AD AZ 1 1-1 1-3 2 POWER – VOL + 9 CH 8 VIDEO IN AUDIO 1-4 1-2 20J-M100/CJ20M10 1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 2 CCABA1272MES0 _ GCOVA1034MEKA HBDGB3009MESA JBTN-1098MEKA GCABB1126MEKA M M M M M M Cabinet Front Ass'y BF Cabinet Front _ Cover _ Badge "sharp" AC Button,CH/VOL-up down _ Rear Cabinet AX 1 1-3 POWER 1-2 33 2 – VOL + ? CH > VIDEO IN AUDIO 1-4 1-1 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. MISCELLANEOUS PARTS å or or QACCD3014CESA M QACCD3030CESA QCNW-2110PEZZ R QCNW-2111PEZZ R QCNW-2112PEZZ R VSP0080PBK98A M VSP0080P-E98S AC Cord AH Connecting Cord Connecting Cord Connecting Cord Speaker _ _ _ AG SUPPLIED ACCESORRIES TGAN-1006MEZZ M Guarantee Card AA (19J-M100/150/100S/20J-M100) TiNS-6043MEZZ M Operation Manual AC (19J-M100/150/100S) TiNS-6081MEZZ M Operation Manual _ (CJ19M10) TiNS-6082MEZZ M Operation Manual _ (CJ20M10) TiNS-6031MEZZ M Operation Manual _ (20J-M100) TiNS-6085MEZZ M Operation Manual (20MJ10) RRMCG1324CESA M Infrared R-C AQ (19J-M100/100S/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10) RRMCG1324CESB M Infrared R-C AP (19J-M150) RRMCG1339CESA M Infrared R-C _ (20MJ10) RUNTK0393CEZZ J Antena Adaptor _ PACKING PARTS (NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM) SPAKC0556MEZZ M SPAKC0573MEZZ M SPAKC0578MEZZ SPAKP0023MEZZ SPAKX0163MEZZ M M M SPAKX0167MEZZ M SSAKA0004MEZZ M Packing Case _ (19J-M100/S/150/CJ19M10) Packing Case _ (20J-M100/CJ20M10) Packing Case (20MJ10) _ Polyethylene Sack _ Buffer Material _ (19J-M100/S/150/CJ19M10) Buffer Material _ (20J-M100/CJ20M10) Polyethylene Sack _ 34 Part No. ★ Description Code 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description PACKING OF THE SET ★ Polystyrene Bag Operation manual Guarantee Card and batteries ★Polystyrene mat ★ Buffer material FRONT ★ Packing case Use tapes to fix the packing case. REAR 35 Code 19J-M100/100S/150/CJ19M10 20J-M100/CJ20M10/20MJ10 Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code TQ0268-S Printed in U.S.A Y.O 36 ">

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