Cedarshed HH128 Hobbyhouse 13 ft. x 8 ft 9 in. Western Red Cedar Garden Shed Guide d'installation
HOBBYHOUSE .X 8 ft. 12 ft MODEL HH128 MODEL SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION MANUAL ir ¿ie Ci eb A Por a A RON RNA Pl i ease rie — ACCESSORIES AND HARDWARE HOBBYHOUSE 12 x8 Window Shutters A i 5 CEDARSHED № Handle ANTE MM o > “Cedarshed” Blank plaque plaque ; ms — | Planter N e Hasp oll y - Hinges Fasteners Li >, Barrel a а 5 bolt A | 11/8" nails 1%" nails 2" nails 2" screws 3° screws PART # | DESCRIPTION | DIMENSIONS (where app.) | # OF PCS ACCESSORIES P-H-PLAQSL Square CS plaque square plaque 1 P-H-PLAQNL peak plaque peak plaque 2 P-FW-001 window box window box 2 P-SH-001 shutters shutters 4 FASTENERS P-H-NL1.125 nails 1 1/8" nails 25 P-H-NL1.75 nails 1 3/4" nails 275 P-H-NL2 nails 2" nails 50 P-H-SC? 2" Screws 2" Screws 150 P-H-SC3 3" screw 3" Screws 360 DOOR AND HARDWARE C-DR-003 Dutch Door Dutch door 1 P-H-THING6 T-Hinges 6" T-hinges 4 P-H-BBLT4 barrel bolt 4 " barrel bolt 1 P-H-DHAND door handle door handle 1 P-H-HASP hasp hasp 1 Instruction manual, questionaire and driver bit HOBBYHOUSE 12 x 8 LE A 1 4 | À rt N | 04 | 4 1 | SE A À | | BW-00 |; BW-003 | PO 4 44° 1 4 à | i iM | | | i | | i | | ЕЛЕ LU 1 11110 — E И | a Aa de ZE =a | | | BW-003 IL - : | me hi Е PR ias aa IL 18 th === H 3 La i | | == 1. WW-003 | i Fea Î = | | X ‘| | | it 1 i ee Ly 8. oo 4 i i | | 1 BE 1 a y E 1 "E Fr — I DESCRIPTION WALL PARTS DIMENSIONS (where app.) | # OF PCS CODE PART # P-2346G header 2x3x46 1/2 not shown C-BW-003 wall panel 46 1/2" wall panel BW-003 C-DF-005 door Dutch door DF-005 C-WW-003 window wall 46 1/2" window wall = 7 1 2 WW-003 i HOBBYHOUSE 12 x 8 PART# | DESCRIPTION | DIMENSIONS (where app.) |#OFPCS| CODE TOP PLATES P-2372C top plate 2x3x 72-14 P-2388 top plate 2x3 %88 2 HOBBYHOUSE 12 x 8 ъ me Details GW-001 | ‚К, 005L a + RF-006L E] RF-004L e RF-006L = tr NET EL - RF-005L = ыы уе | | . RF-O05L aD GW-001 || GW-001 SS PART # | DESCRIPTION | DIMENSIONS (where app.) |#0FPCS| CODE ROOF PARTS P-2371KYb gusset 2x3x713/4 6 C-GW-001 gable wall gable wall 4 GW-001 C-RF-004L skylight roof panel 24 x 54 7/8 2 RF-004L C-RF-005L skylight roof panel 42 3/4 x 54 7/8 4 RF-005L C-RF-006L skylight roof panel 46 1/2 x 54 7/6 2 RF-006L P-B-G424 soffits 1/2x4x24 2 ZA P-B-G437 soffits 1/2 x 4 x 37 4 P-B-G446G soffits 1/2 x 4 x 46 1/2 2 P-1470G fascia 1x4x 7012 2 P-1442 fascia 1x4 x42 4 P-1458GYa gable fascia 1x4 x58 1/2 4 В : P-H-RFLT12 roofing felt 1ftx 5 ft 5 sq ft not shown P-H-RCAP24 ridge caps | 24" 18 not shown P-H-MFLASS roof flashing 3x 12" 30 not shown e ue ,Ç me. HOBBYHOUSE 12 x 8 EEE Bi a. PART # DESCRIPTION DIMENSIONS (where app.) | + OF PCS | CODE | TRIM PARTS — a a a a AR P-1221C gable trim 1x2x211/4 P-1279C trim 1x2x 79 1/4 P-1280G trim 1x2x801/2 P-13C79C trim 1x3 1/4 X79 1/4 P-D-C445 skirting 1/2 x 4 x 45 P-B-G645 skirting 1/2 x6 x45 P-14B48 door skirting 1 x 4 1/8 x 48 P-11K48 top door trim (nar) 1x1 3/4 x48 SKYLIGHT INSTALLATION DETAILS HOBBYHOUSE 12 x 8 ‘ Step 4- neoprene washers and screws I<" Step 3-wood strips = p— Step 2-foam tape . ——Sep 1-corrugated plastic panels Le STEP 1-Skylight panels Roof Panel (Rafter) a STEP 2-Foam tape STEP 3-Wood strips В | | оны оная! LEXA42K35G LEXA42K35G | LEXA46G35G — | LEXA46G35G EZ | LE "Ba LEXA2435G LEXA2435G = Ji e mem pes SE Er RAT EE LEE | ВНИИ : | LEXA42K35G LEXA42K35G EE a | нон | [kn MS PART # | DESCRIPTION DIMENSIONS (where app.) | # OF PCS CODE SKYLIGHT PARTS P-H-FTAPE25 foam tape 25 ft. 2 rolls P-1233 wood strips хз ХЗ 16 P-N-NWASHERS neoprene washers washers 64 not shown P-H-LEXA42K35G | corrugated plastic panels 42 3/4 x 35 1/2 4 LEXA42K35G P-H-LEXA46G35G | corrugated plastic panels 46 1/2 x 35 1/2 2 LEXA46G35G P-H-LEXA2435G | corrugated plastic panels 24 x 35.1/2 2 LEXA2435G ">

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