Salto XS4 Original+ Electronic Lock Manuel du propriétaire
Installation guide XS4 Original+ for USA mortise locks, cylindrical & tubular latches F Installation guide Guide d'installation E Guía de instalación 2-5/8" (67) 2-5/8" (67) 25/32" (20) 25/32" (20) A i 650xx series 6-3/4" (170) 11-27/64" (290) 7-1/2" 3-15/16" (100) (190) Eng 52° 3-1/8" (80) Signalling Outside Inside ma x. 4° TORX 20 (x2) SALTO recommends the use of a mortise lock, with a maximum 4º pre-turn. SALTO recommande d’utiliser des serrures à mortaiser avec un angle au repos de 4° 2 TORX 20 (x1) maximum. 2a SALTO recomienda utilizar cerraduras con un pregiro máximo de 4º. TORX 20 (x4) O 9/16" (O14mm) 3 ALLEN 3 (x2) 3a 4 * 5 6 8 BOLT (Depending on door thickness) O 1-1/2" (O 38mm) + + + 11 Eng F E * Mortise Lock not included Serrure à mortaiser non incluse Cerradura de embutir no incluida Ou Ext tside Ext érie ur e rio r 1 SALTO LT2Lxx Tubular Latch 10 t* In s In t i d e Int érieu eri or r 9 7 SALTO LT2Lxx Tubular latch With Ai6xxA2.. Only! To be used only with SALTO compatible escutcheons! 1 SALTO Tubular Latch to be included ALWAYS with the product! Picaporte tubular SALTO a incluir SIEMPRE con el producto! All contents current at time of publication. SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of any item in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials. O25 O1" A utiliser uniquement avec les ensembles plaques-béquilles SALTO compatibles! ¡Utilizar solamente con escudos SALTO compatibles! 1/4 226844 - ED2. 19/08/2021 Installation guide XS4 Original+ for USA mortise locks, cylindrical & tubular latches Eng Select handing Choisir le sens de la bèquille F 1 E Seleccione mano 2 Atention! Attention! ¡Atención! Do not disconnect Ne pas déconnecter No desconectar 3 4 5 3 4 2 1 Eng Installation 1 Real size F Installation E Instalación 2 = 3 O5/8" (O16mm) O9/16" (O14mm) 90º MIN.O1-1/2" MIN.(O38mm) = O9/16" (O14mm) All contents current at time of publication. SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of any item in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials. THUMB TURN MODEL ONLY. INSIDE ONLY. BOUTON ROTATIF UNIQUEMENT. SOLO MODELO PALANCA. SOLO POR EL INTERIOR. 2/4 226844 - ED2. 19/08/2021 Installation guide XS4 Original+ for USA mortise locks, cylindrical & tubular latches 4 5 6 Real size NOT OK = + + + LR06 = Real size 8 7 9 1 2 10 Eng AT THIS POINT DO NOT CLOSE THE DOOR PROGRAM THE LOCK FIRST Follow user manual Eng F NE FERMEZ PAS LA PORTE. PROGRAMMEZ LA BÉQUILLE AVANT E NO CIERRE LA PUERTA. PROGRAME LA CERRADURA F E Battery change Remplacer les piles Cambio de pilas LR06 Consultez le manuel utilisateur Consulte el manual del usuario MAX.40" Real size All contents current at time of publication. SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of any item in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials. Change/Remplacer/Cambio 3/4 226844 - ED2. 19/08/2021 Installation guide XS4 Original+ for USA mortise locks, cylindrical & tubular latches 2 Eng 2a F E DORM LOCK / KEY OVERRIDE VERROUILLAGE DU LOGEMENT/ REMPLACEMENT DES CLÉS CERRADURA DORMITORIO/LLAVE DE EMERGENCIA Ai658 m dd ff t x h r Ai668 m dd ff t x h r 3 3a click! 4 4b 10 7 5 * Eng TO FIX CLOCKWISE. 11 Eng F 1 E Mortise Lock not included Serrure à mortaiser non incluse t* Cerradura de embutir no incluida All contents current at time of publication. SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of any item in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials. 9 E FIJACIÓN: GIRAR EN SENTIDO HORARIO. 12 8 F POUR FIXER: SENS HORAIRE. 6 Eng (*) Only for door thickness > 2-3/8" (60mm). F (*) Seulement pour portes de épaisseur > 2-3/8" (60mm). E (*) Solo para grosor de puerta > 2-3/8" (60mm). 4/4 226844 - ED2. 19/08/2021 ">

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