GROHE 19799000 Allure Brilliant 5-Way Diverter Trim in Starlight Polished Chrome Installation manuel
Allure Brilliant 19 798 19 799 D .....1 GB .....2 F .....3 E .....4 I .....5 NL .....6 S .....7 N .....9 GR FIN .....10 CZ PL .....11 H UAE .....12 P .....8 Allure DK Brilliant .....13 TR .....17 BG .....21 RO .....25 .....14 SK .....18 EST .....22 CN .....26 .....15 SLO .....19 LV .....23 RUS .....27 .....16 HR .....20 LT Design & Quality Engineering GROHE Germany 99.675.031/ÄM 220787/07.11 .....24 29 033 (19 798) 19 798 19 799 29 035 (19 799) 45 676 45 439 48 132 48 131 45 186 Bitte diese Anleitung an den Benutzer der Armatur weitergeben! Please pass these instructions on to the end user of the fitting. S.v.p remettre cette instruction à l'utilisateur de la robinetterie! I 1 2 3 4 5 m mm 33m II ">

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