Analogue instruments CH Hours run meter Description Features Input circuit Current RU+] Display Mechanical Digits Application 10 mA Frequency Maximum value [PPZLWKPDJQL¿HU 99 999,99 } Timers are used to measure time with a Ambient conditions simple, easy and reliable system. } Measurement of start-up and operating Operating temperature +10 ... +30 ºC limit temperature -25 ... +40 ºC times. Type of box panel Terminal protection degree ,3 } 0RGL¿FDWLRQDQGRSHUDWLQJWLPHV } 3URGXFWLRQDQGTXDQWLW\WLPHV } Data to provide information about the foOORZLQJ Box protection degree Weight Insulation voltage Standards ,3 0.35 kg N9GXULQJPLQEHWZHHQWKHPHFKDQLVPDQGWKHER[ BS 89, EN 60051, IEC 144, UL 94, DIN 43780, IEC 51, UNE 21318 M1-61 Analogue instruments CH Hours run meter References Coding table M 1 X Type CH 48 CH 72 Class CH 96 CH 45 Timer Code Frequency 1,5 Display 5+2 5+1 9ROWDJH Dimensions (mm) 48 48 48 a b c Weight (g) 72 72 50 Code M14911 90 55 125 180 75 M14921 M14931 M14951 Connections Dimensions CH 48 CH 72 / CH 96 CH 45 Type a b c d e 72 mm 72 57,2 5,7 +0,8 96 mm 91 57,2 5,7 92+0,8 Dimensions (mm) M1-62 X X X 0 0 X X Internal Code Standard 50 Hz 0 +] 1 6WDQGDUG 9 0 9DF 9DF 1 9GF 8 9GF A ">

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