Oreck U2640RH Vacuum Cleaner Manuel du propriétaire
Wireforms serviceable Wireforme non-serviceable - Basaplate ¡Before Type 4) does not have posts Parts Assemblies 1 Part Numbers Listing: XTL.2540EH / XLIAMEH / UI640EH Begular Bag, Мо Lights, Helping Hand Handle ' U2210RH / U25?0RH / UX530EH " hem Order # Oty. | Pic 1 | AL25400H: Handia Assembly incldes items #35, #53, #54, DE-7 5288-07 1 1 #55, #56, #57, #58 — | ALz320808: Fandia Assembly includes Items #55, #55, #54, 09-75288-18 1 i #55, #55, #57, #58 ic | AL25408H: Tortuous Grp E Cord Assembiy indudes Fame DE-T5342-07 1 1 MLA HLA #54, #55, #58 fe | Mit Ram, Hande , Residents], White, incl em 09-75812-01 1 1 FE, 154, #65, 456 450 #1, #62 Туле 1.2.3 4 & 5 ти On da | Docking Clin, Hear, Blue, Type CC fuse ves? or ordar 463) TESE-01-438 1 1 6 Dust Bag, (8 Pic) Aeguiar CPES 1 8 Dust Bag, (25 Pk | Regular COPs 1 | 25 6 XL23208H: Outer Bsg, Dark Gray, Ped, USA TEE-27 1 1 XL25400H / U2840RH: Owner Bag, Dk Gray, Black, Dark Gray TEZ4E-11 1 1 U25108H: Outer Bag, Dark Gray, Red, Red TE246-38 1 1 U25200H: Outer Bag, Dark Gray, Black, White TE246-30 1 1 U25300H: Outer Eg, Dark Gray, Blue, Blue TH246-37 1 1 T | XL25408H: Bag Clip, Dark Green 09-75078-11 1 1 XL23200H: Bag Clip, Navy / Silver 09-75078-15 1 1 Uz0408H: Bag Cin, Black / Silver DE-75078-06 1 1 Uz25108H: Bag Cin, Fed / Siver DE-75078-08 1 1 U25200H: Bag Clip, White / Silver DE-75078-22 1 1 Uz255308H: Bag Cin, Blues Silver DE-75078-24 1 1 В Connector Assembly Ki, ncludes fame £3 & #564 DE-75308-57 1 1 Ba Deflector, Black, Snap Type 18 2 Units Only TBAT 1 1 В Collar TES09-12-03727 2 1 10 | Tube Assembly Type 1. 2 2.8 4 Units Only 7185-11 1 1 Tube Assembly Type 5, £ 4 7 Unis Only 5105-05 1 1 12 | Fan Housing Assembly inclrges River & Spang D-75300 1 1 16 | End Cap 134623 1 1 18 | METAXALLOY™ Fan Kit washers 09-75300-01 1 1 18 ran Seal Cup ТЫ 24 1 1 20 | Cord Sad BEE #58 28 | ML2320fH: Housing, Navy wished 00-75428-14 i i XL25400H J U2840RH: Housing, Gal Gray wabel DE-75426-21 1 1 U25108H: Housing, Fed wLabel DE-75428-23 1 1 Uz5208H: Housing, White wil abel DE-7TEL26-24 1 1 U25308H: Housing, Blue wiLabel 0е-75426-25 1 1 27 | XL2540RH / XL23200H// L2650RH / L25 00H à U2S20PH/ UGS S0RHE T5181-03 1 1 Bumper, Whine 28 intake Preot Assembly wath Fair Seal 08-7 5066-02 1 1 at] Felt Seal TEDES-01 1 1 32 Felt Seal, Motor 758117-01M 1 100 33 | CordAetamer, Found Type { 28 2 Units Only 03-00855-01 1 1 Cord Retainer, Square Type 4 5 © & 7 hits (iy 05-00£04-01 i i Sad Motor Assembly Кл DE 7506-01 1 1 36 | Motor Seal TEOGE-01 2 1 36 | Kit, Motor Brush (Large & Small / Spring DE-75514-01 2 2 39 | Drive Belt, [3 Pk.) 0300604 1 | 3 des | Drive Вей, Single 75024-01 1 1 do | XL25400H: Door Belt, Dark Crean 15067-01439 1 1 XL23208H: Door Belt, Nay TEOS 77-01-0432 1 1 Uz0408H: Door Belt, Gui Gray TED 7-02-0354 1 1 U25100H: Door Beit, Red 76067-01441 i | À U25208H: Door Balt, Vik: 75067-01043 + | 4 Part Numbers Listing: XT 250EH / XT 2320RH 7 T2640RH / U2S10BH / U2520RH / U2530RH cont. Fegular Baz No Lights, Helping Hand Handle = tem Order # Qty. | PE. U25300H: Door Belt, Blue TEDS7-01-442 1 1 42 | Brush Roll, Plastic Pulley 752024) 1 1 43 Cal Esseplaie TE0OS-01 1 1 44 | Plastic Detent, (useg 2 449 screws] 7520501 1 1 45 | Complete Hasenlate Assembly includes: 643, 446, 647. 08-75715-01 1 | 1 ESO, #51, FLZ 655, 466, 667 46 | MICRO SWEEP Blade Type 15 Units Only THOS 1 1 MICRO SWEEP Blade Type 7 Units Only TEFOC-01 1 1 47 | Channel Type #6 Unis Only TEDO7-00 1 1 Channel Type 7 Units Only TE701-1 i i 60 | Edge Brush wiiVhesl, Left Type $5 Units Only C&-75249-07 1 1 Edge Brush wheal, Dight Туре 1-£ Chits Only 09-75250-02 1 1 Edge Brush wio Wheels, Left & Rig T5179H03 2 1 Ei Whee! Axe 05-00830-01M 24" | 100 bd Got Hear Wheel, Back 1b187-01 0227 2 1 ES | Sei Wire Typed, 2 2 44 5 Units Only THOAT-0 1 1 64 | XL25408H / XL=320AH: Swiich, 2 Position Assembly TE 110-02 1 1 Шавло / U25106H / U25200H à UZs30RH: Swich, T5559-01 1 1 2 Position Assembly 55 | XL25400H: Gripe, Dark Green Set Type 2 2.4 8 5 Unis Only 08-75301-07 1 1 [Type 1 Unita Order Assembly de For Gripa| XL23200H: Grips, Navy Sat 09-75301-21 1 1 U2840fH: Grips, Gull Gray Set 00-75578-29 1 1 U25108H: Grips, Red Set De- 7556-28 1 1 L125208H: Grips, White Sat De-755 76-19 1 1 Li25300H: Gnps, Blue Sat DE- 7556-30 1 1 56 | XL2580RH: Cord Wrap Assy, noise Paar & Cord Wisp, Gay 09-75185-09 1 1 XL23208H / U2640RH | U2530RH: Cord Wrap Assy, 08-75185-01 1 | 1 ndrèés Pœt£ Com drap, Hack LO5108H: Cond Wrap Assy robrie Fort Cor Wip Rad 06-75185-07 1 1 L25200H: Cord Wrap Assy robrie Pot & Corl We, Wh 09-75185-05 1 1 67 | ХФ 25А0НН so J U2e40RH à U25108H ! L2s20RH / U2550RH: 7518045 1 1 Handle Tube, Chrome BE AL2540081 / ALZ5200H: Cord, Hamees Assembly T6051-1 1 1 U28400H: Cord, Hamess Assembly TH562-02-327 1 1 U25108H / U520RH / U25300H: Cord, Hamess Assembly 7RSE2-02-328 1 1 EG AL2540081 / M25200H: Cord Set, White Type? 1485 TEI -328 1 1 Units Only (Type 1 Units Order Assembly 1a For Cord Bet] Uz84080H: Cord Set, Black 7ESEE-02-327 1 1 Li25108H I Uzs20RH / U2530RH: Cord Set, White, 30° TEEEE02-325 1 1 60 | Motor Spring TEE 2 | 1 61 Tube Label Tb067-06 1 1 66 | Oreck” Name Plats Label TESST 1 1 67 | Bag Dock Hinge, Blue, Type CC use widda or order #53) 16582-01458 1 1 Users Manual 764 16-06 1 1 Vacuum Cleaner Cover VACCOVER 1 1 MLA NLA Magnet Clean Vacuum Protector MICAS 1 1 Te | Séffener (uses same length screws, notched) 75189-02 1 1 Seffener, Through Bok Connector (uses diferent length screws) T6519-01 1 1 Bi Cord Flex Hele Type £ & 7 Units Oni 03-006/00-01 1 1 EJ | Ki, Bag Dock, includes fers da & #67 7567-01 1 1 87 | From Wheel Type 7 Units Only 75709-01 2 1 Type 7 Units STANDARD FASTENER HARDWARE LISTING Fasteners Fit Uprights Listed in Service Manual f FASTENER FASTENER [| PART THAT FASTENER [| QTY | TORQUE | div DESCRIPTION PART NO. IS USED ON REQ'D | RANGE | PER (ini) РКС. 2 | Cord Clamp 03-00613-01M | Foot Swiich Units 1 n'a 100 03-00519-01M | D-Handig Units 1 n'a 100 3 | Screw, #8 - 32 x 440 Nylock 03-004 78-02M | Handle Tube 2 18 - 22 100 Screw, #8 x 211 w' Int Washer | 03-00608-01M | Handle Tubo wThrowgh Boll 1 18 - 22 100 Screw, #8-32 X 545 w' Washer | 03-00504-02M | Handle Braco 2 18 - 22 100 Screw, #2 - 32 x 20032 w' Washer | 03-00605-01M | Handis Brace w Through Bok 1 18-22 100 15 | Screw, #8 X .5 Phillips 03752-01M Headlight Cover, Bulb Holder,| 27 13-16 100 Foot Switch, Cable Clamp 21 30 | 1/4 X 32 Yellow Chrome (3-00442-01M | Fan 1 18-20 100 38 | Screw, #8 X .75 Phillips 03-00456-01M | D-Handis (small head) - 17-20 100 Screw, #8 x 75 (3-00476-01M | D-Hande Type & & 7 Only 6 17-20 100 41 [Wire Nut (3-00590-01M ac req'd 35-55 100 48 | Scrow, 58 x .75 Phillips (3-00476-01M | Baceplaie, Balt Door, 5/1 13-16 100 Intake Pivot, 1 13-16 100 Motor 2 17-20 100 40 | Screw, #7 X 38 Phillips (3-00475-01M | Edge Bruch Type 16 Only, Datont| 2/2 5-8 100 63 | Screw, #10 x .5 Phillips 03-00450-01M | Cord Bracket 1 13-16 100 68 | Screw, #6-20 x 1/4" 03-00482-01M | Collar Type 18 2 Only 2 4-5 100 69 |C-Hng 72191 {2M Collar 2 n'a 100 72 |Washer, Thrust 03-00479-01M | Fan 1 n'a 100 ra Washer, Lock External Tooth (3-00480-01M | Fan 1 n'a 100 4 (1" x J, Loop Fastener 7530-401M Bag Support 1 Ma 100 /5 | 1" x 1”, Hook Fastener 15303-01M Bag Dock 2 n'a 100 77 | Retainer Clip 03528M Baceplajo Type 1-6 Senvi-eable 2 n'a 100 73 | Wireform 75134-03M Baceplato Type 1-6 Senvi-esble 2 n'a 100 В2 | Steal Bushing Ring 03-00508-01M | D-Handie 1 n'a 100 B4 | Nut, Square 093-00606-01M | Connector 1 Ma 100 85 | Screw, #6-20 x 7/16 Flat Undercut | 03-00626-01M | Edge Brueh, Channel Tipe 7 Ont 2/3 6-8 100 B86 |Wirgiomn, One-Piece 7269801 BaceplataType 7 Only 1 n'a i 88 (JST Insulator 75670-01M Hamess 1 n'a 100 BS |Hivet 03-00453-01M | Fan Housing 1 n'a 100 90 | Bag Spring 75015-01M Fan Housing 1 n'a 100 91 [Push Nut 03-00636-01M | Fan Housing 1 n'a 100 Product Information Weight: 8 lbs. without power cord Switch rating: 8 amps, 120 volts Commercial: Data Label Minimum water lift: 9 in. @ nozzle sealed suction Power consumption 120V/80Hz: 4.0 amps, 480 watts Power cord rating - Domestic 18/2 SJT 105°C 18/3 &JT 105°C =TYPE 1 MODEL DEER = r WARMING - AVERTISSEMENT M TO REDUCE RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK, DO NOT USE OUTDOORS OR ON WET SURFACES. POUR REDUIRE LES RESOUES DE CHOC ELECTRIQUE NE PAS UTILISER À L'EXTERIEUR ET NE PAS ASPIREA DE MATIÈRES HUMIDES SN 2600HH00000000-{4 FOR HOUSEHOLD LEE ONLY POUR USAGE MERAGER EST ХРОН \ NEW ORLEANS, LA T0123 USA. Type Code: Represents product sanice revision number. Type 1: Initial Production Type 2: Improved strain relief D-Grip Handle. Type 3: Improved deflector and removed collar sef screw. Type 4: Square cord retainer. Type 5: Improved lower tube. Type 6: Hardwire handle. Type 7: Improved baseplate with one- pisca wirshorm. 120 VOLTS 80 H7 4.0 AMP (UL) ORE XL LISTED 2968 ‚ Julian Date Code: Represents date of manufacture. 88 Represents the year. 166 Represents the day in that year Service Information Component configuration on exploded view may differ in case of specific versions. However, the actual components are distinguished by means of item and part numbers. If a repair has been made, make sure that all functions of the appliance are working comactly. Spare parte have been standardized ac much as possible and the part may not be the exact replacement part. Only the new METAXALLOY™ motor fan available. Only the new soft single rear wheal style available. Only housings with belt access door available. When assembling fan szal to fan housing, use a small bead of silicone. Only new plastic detent available. Baseplate assemblies with one-piece wiraform are interchangsable on Type 1-6 units. ">

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