change changer cambiare setting watch mise à l’heure poner la hora change changer cambiar setting alarm heure de réveil programador de alarma switch off alarm or timer éteindre le réveil apagar alarma setting timer utilisation du minuteur programar el minutero 12h / 24h Watch Alarm Timer 4 sec 4 sec press press 10 sec → → 1 sec setting 1 sec autom. → 1 sec → 1 sec ↔ after 10 sec (End) C → → 1 sec 1 sec → → 4 sec → → after 10 sec (End) C ↔ after 10 sec (End) → deactivate alarm déactiver le réveil desactivar alarma 4 sec → → → 20 User’s Manual ↔ setting ↔ C= continuous pressure min. 2 sec. pression continue min 2sec presión continua 2sec 3V-Lithium Battery CR 1225 → autom. 1 sec → → C after 10 sec (End) → → autom. after 60 sec. ↔ 4 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec autom. ↔ → after 10 sec (End) English 5 1.3705.VT3 Victorinox GUARANTEES all tools to be of first class stainless steel and also guarantees a life time against any defects in material and workmanship. Damages caused by misuse or abuse are not covered by this gauarantee. This does not affect your statutory rights. (for electronical part 2 years) 18 4 1 7 19 15 16 17 8 Swiss Army Brands, Inc. P.O. Box 897, 65 Trap Falls Road Shelton, CT 06484 Customer Information: 1 800 442 2706 Please include your name, street address and phone number to ensure proper return. PAT. PEND. 10 14 20 9 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2 6 CH–6438 Ibach-Schwyz Switzerland Phone ..41 41 81 81 211 Fax ..41 41 81 81 511 Printed in United States 14513 Voyager 1.3705.VT3 Español Voyager 1.3705.VT3 13 La GARANTIE Victorinox se rapporte à tout défaut de matériel et de fabrication, sans limite de temps. (pour système électronique 2 ans) La garantía Victorinox se extiende ilimitadamente en los defectos de material o de fabricación. (sobre piezas electronicas 2 años) Voyager 1.3705.VT3 11 Français large small blade corkscrew can opener with - screwdriver 3 mm also for Phillips 2 +3 cap lifter with - screwdriver 6 mm - wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors universal hook digital watch with - alarm clock - timer pressurized ballpoint pen pin (stainless steel) mini-screwdriver (pat.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. grande lame petite lame tire-bouchons ouvre-boîtes avec - tournevis mixte (plat 3 mm et Phillips 2et3) décapsuleur avec - grand tournevis 6 mm - encoche p. fils électr. poinçon alésoir anneau pincettes cure-dents ciseaux crochet à usagesmultiples montre digitale avec - réveil - minuteur stylo à bille épingle (inox) mini-tournevis (brev.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 12 20. hoja grande hoja pequeña sacacorchos abrelatas con: - destornillador 3 mm también Phillips 2 +3 abrebotellas con: - destornillador 6 mm - desaislador alambres punzón-escaridor anilla pinzas palillo de nilón tijeras gancho universal multi-uso reloj digital con - despertador - minutero bolígrafo alfiler (de acero inoxidable) mini-destornillador (pat.) ">

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