Tameo Kits TMK 223 Manuel utilisateur
14 55 89 66 40 30 108 57 42 35 A 110 21 29 38 B 58 43 51 33 GUN METAL 34 15 12 23 64 11 1 26 61 2 29 5-6 7-8 87 48 62 54 4 39 3 28 9 80 MATT BLACK 31 TO BEND 56 MATT BLACK TO BEND MATT BLACK MATT BLACK 33 MATT BLACK 1-2 3-4 41 MATT BLACK 13 - 14 9 - 10 11 - 12 32 47 DECAL 46 34 48 49 DECAL 50 SILVER MATT BLACK SILVER 32 17 - 18 19 - 20 HOW TO BEND SUSPENSIONS 30 15 - 16 MATT BLACK 16 10 78 65 63 44 60 103 104 106 50 82 81 53 112 52 83 84 85 86 13 76 96 102 47 TO BEND 75 39 TO BEND MATT BLACK MATT BLACK 35 23 44 GOLD 101 31 WHITE 36 19 GOLD 45 TO BEND 37 95 41 WHITE 38 MATT BLACK 24 17 18 DARK BLUE - BLU SCURO - BLUE FONCE - DUNKELBLAU GOLD - ORO - DORE' - GOLD GUN METAL - METALLICO - METALLIQUE - METALLIC LIGHT BLUE - AZZURRO - BLEU CLAIR - LICHTBLAU MATT BLACK - NERO OPACO - NOIRE OPAQUE - SCHWARZMATT MATT BLUE - BLU OPACO - BLEU OPAQUE - MATTBLAU RED - ROSSO - ROUGE - ROT SILVER - ARGENTO - ARGENTE - SILBER WHITE - BIANCO - BLANC - WEISS TO BEND - PIEGARE - PLIER - BIEGEN WHITE WHITE 21 37 43 40 PARTS : A - B DON'T USE 36 WHITE 42 WHITE 46 20 19 22 MATT BLACK 17 MATT BLACK USE THE COLOUR CHIP TO GET THE CORRECT SHADE USARE IL CAMPIONE PER IL RIFERIMENTO DELLA VERNICE EMPLOYEZ L'ECHATILLON COULEUR COMME REFERENCE DE LA PEINTURE BENUTZUNG DES FARBMUSTERS FUR DEI LACKFARBE MATT BLACK TO BEND 25 GLUE AND STICK BEFORE PAINTING INCOLLARE E STUCCARE PRIMA DELLA VERNICIATURA COLLER ET MASTIQUER AVANT DE VERNIR KLEIBEN UND VERSTUCKEN VOR DER LACKIERUNG 57 - 58 TO BEND MATT BLACK 55 - 56 27 MATT BLACK MATT BLACK 40 - 41 MATT BLACK MATT BLACK SILVER TO BEND 54 18 28 20 GOLD TYRRELL YAMAHA 024 TO BEND WHITE GOLD MATT BLACK 72 USE THE COLOUR CHIP TO GET THE CORRECT SHADE WHITE 75 MATT BLACK 78 ARGENTINE G.P. 1996 55 73 57 Manufactured under Licence of "TYRRELL RACING ORGANIZATION Ltd." Photos by Photo4 This kits is produced without any reference to tobacco brand names due to legal restrictions regarding advertising MATT BLACK MATT BLACK WHITE 26 76 SILVER MATT BLACK HOW TO BEND SUSPENSIONS COME PIEGARE LE SOSPENSIONI COMME PLIER LES SUSPENSIONS BIEGUNG DER FEDERUNGEN TMK223 52 51 53 PART no. 78 MATT BLACK MATT BLACK MATT BLACK 77 73 WHITE MATT BLACK 59 71 Questo kit é prodotto senza alcun riferimento a marchi di tabacco a causa delle vigenti restrizioni in materia pubblicitaria 65 MATT BLUE Cette maquette est produit sans référence du nom du tabac à cause de disposition de la loi en cette matiére 64 MATT BLUE Via Valle, 111 - P.O. Box 61 17022 BORGIO VEREZZI SV ITALY Tel. 39 019 - 615.250 Fax. 39 019 - 615.310 Made in Italy. Modello per collezionisti in scala 1/43. Vietata la vendita ai minori di 14 anni. Nocivo per ingestione. Conservare fuori dalla portata dei bambini. Tameo Kits declina ogni responsabilità per un uso improprio del prodotto. Made in Italy. Collector 1/43 Scale Models. Not for sale to persons under 14 years of age. Dangerous if swallowed. Keep out of reach of children. Tameo Kits not held responsable for any damage or injuryresulting from improper use of the product. Made in Italy. Modèle pour collectioneurs échelle 1/43. Vente interdite aux enfants de moins de 14 ans. Dangereux si avalé. Conserver hors de la portée des enfants. Tameo Kits décline toute responsabilité dans le cas de dommages dérivants de l'usage non approprié du produit. Made in Italy. Sammlermodell im Massstab 1/43. Verkauf an Jugendliche unter 14 Jahren verboten. Schädlich bei Verschlucken. Tameo Kits lehnt jede Verantwortung bei unsachgemässer Benutzung des Produktes ab. Hecho en Italia. Coleccion de modelos a escala 1/43. Prohibida la venta a menores de 14 años. No comestible. Mantener fuera del alcanc e de los niños. Tameo Kits no se hace responsable de los daños causados por el uso incorrecto de este producto. 80 MATT BLUE 74 63 MATT BLUE 61 MATT BLUE 62 MATT BLUE 58 59 79 53 GLUE AND STICK BEFORE PAINTING 70 60 SILVER 56 PART no. 80 MATT BLACK MATT BLACK 68 66 67 MATT BLACK 69 RED LIGHT KATAYAMA ARGENTINE G.P. 1996 DARK BLUE 18 - Ukyo Katayama Ret. 19 - Mika Salo Ret. DARK BLUE ONLY KATAYAMA 84 83 ONLY SALO 82 81 MATT BLACK 85 86 MATT BLACK SILVER PAINT IN LIGHT BLUE 88 LIGHT BLUE 87 LIGHT BLUE 90 LIGHT BLUE 89 LIGHT BLUE 91 - 92 93 - 94 95 - 96 108 SILVER MATT BLACK 109 BLACK NYLON WIRE 112 SILVER 104 105 SILVER MATT BLACK MATT BLACK RED 111 103 DARK BLUE 110 MATT BLACK RED 107 CARBON FIBRE DECAL SALO 103 106 97 - 98 99 - 100 TO BEND 101 - 102 ">

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